Photoperiod Sequoia Cherries by Dusted Bud Genetics (First Photoperiod Grow)

She is looking good, :d5: Go Ahead and Send Me Some Clones:smoking: (jk)
Thanks! She's been a chore but well worth it. I know shes way more work than a regular mother but keeping her small means more variety. And shes been a fun mother to grow from seed. Means less seeds to use and I get to learn too!

So heres today, day 37 and her clones. 2 look good 2 are droopy but doing better as the day goes which I expect today for them to start turning around. I'm very happy for my first true attempt at cloning and photo growing.

as you can see I now have 4 distinct tops coming up to make into branches for clones

The clones this morning they are all standing up. The drooping ones are still standing in the middle with the middle leaves still standing and starting to have their other leaves perk back up now
4 days gone by and she gave me 4 new clones today. I also set up my tent for the rooted clones and for me flowering of the rooted clones a bit later on. I plan to veg for about 25 days or so. I plan to keep them in 1.5-2 gallon pots and use roots organic soil which is what the clones are being rooted in.
My secret for keeping this bonsai mom so small and giving me just the few clones i want has been by using miracle gro soil. Plain Jane miracle Gro. I've fed it I think 3 times with maxiseries maxigro 2tbsp/gal about half a liter feeding with calmag in the feeding. I'll have 7 clones next week to clear put the under brush but then I'll be back to my 4 a week for 2 weeks then I'll be at about 5 or 6 a week at least as I keep training the mom as a bonsai and make it beautiful



The new clones I took today


The week old clones in their new environment (a 24x24x36 tent with a marshydro 300 led new series in it) timer set to 18/6
Tomorrow is another clone day to keep her cut cut back and then I'll let her grow up again for another few weeks so she can become more of what I want.
Heres the bonsai

Heres the week old clones. 2 arent hardening off well, the 3rd isnt either so I put the humidity dome on it. I'm going to see how the 2 do as they are wielding in the bigger leaves the smaller ones are alive and if they live they live, if not I got one good one. Plus i got 4 more clones a week behind and as ling as I get one more out of those I'll be happy
One is doing just fine

My 3 day old clones happy as a clam
I didnt take new clones but I need to. I did, however, plant 3 of my clones to soil. The best one got put in a 3 gallon air pot with roots organic. The root mass of that really nice clone took the entire solocup and was definitely needing more room so it got the best.
The other two decently hardened off clones got planted in a mix of 1/4 roots organic 2/4 miraclegro performance organics and 1/4 perlite to make it an lighter mix which so far has been a pretty great mix when you dont have the cash for expensive soil. Those clones had root masses taking about the top half of the solo cup and I wanted to just experiment as as such went in the mg mix.
All 3 got a small watering of 1 gallon of water mixed with 1tsp maxigro, 5ml calmag, 1tbsp each azos and mykos and 5 ml southern ag biofungicide and watered so as to change the soil lightly and transition from rooting to initial planting. I wont be changing pots and they will be vegging for approx 30 days. The two not doing so well may be removed from the soil if they are not performing well in a week and replaced by better performing clones from the last round. There is one clone I dont think will make it as a good clone and may make it to the trash or maybe in its solocup the whole time.

Sorry pics arent the best

The mother is doing great

Clones in the tent planted today (8th october 2019) cloned september 24 2019
The one in the back right is a Tyrone special that stunted in my dwc bucket I just threw over for a yield. The fact that they look sad dosent bother me because they'll snap out of it and if not as I said I can toss those clones and put the better ones in their place and be only a week behind and can just have the one plant veg a week longer

Clones from a few days ago

My mother is 48 days old, I'm letting the mother get just a few days more till next clones because I have no space. If I cant then I'll just take the best clone it and see how the clones do and toss the not so great ones
Heres the mother plant, again the goal is to purposefully stunt her so she dosent get out of hand

The newer clones hardening of

The small photo tent with 3 clones planted and one Tyrone special

Close up of the good one, as you see she is growing out of some nute deficiencies from being in a solocup for too long. It has to grow out of its stunting from being a small itty clone

Heres a decent clone that will do a great job as it grows out of its stunt
The clones have been in the 3 gallon pots for 9 days now. The one is going like a beast the others are awesome but look about 4 days behind. I plan to veg for 3 more weeks. I plan to flip the switch November 7th. I havent cared for the clones in the solo cups. I will tend to them today and get them watered, they havent been for 4 days.(woopse). The potted plants have been watered and fed once. My goal is 40g out of 3 plants which should be no problem. I expect a flower time of 60 days as it is advertised as a 45 day strain with medium yields and I am training all of them for canopy sog yields

I've let my mother get scraggly and am tending to her today and cloning more although I have nowhere for the clones I have still.
The 4 clone in the 3 gallon pots are doing great at 15 days, especially the one on the right. Which was the best clone

The mother, pardon the biofungicide on the leaves and the messy edge It got cleaned up. I hate soil though I always get perlite everywhere
So an update is in order. They got transitioned to flower in the end of October (I wanna say like Oct 23 or 25. They have been in flower for about a month and are nearing completion. I would say about 2 weeks and they are done they need a lot more space than I anticipated so it's a jungle and u ain't get the best I possibly could but they are gaining trichs and some buds. I think off the 3 I'll get an ounce and a half. If I would have had this in a 5 foot high tent I could easily have achieved an ounce per plant and have been done today as the buds in the light are perfectly done and tight. I might harvest the main buds and go from there the cherry smell is out of this world! The flowering time of 45 days seems right on the money and their estimate of medium yields are right too with smaller buds but very resin production