Photoperiod Sequoia Cherries by Dusted Bud Genetics (First Photoperiod Grow)

ill put up photos later on but i chopped them today and got between 50 to 60g wet off of each, i would have had more but they were shoved in to a spot they were not meant to be in. i got 165g wet, highest was 60g wet, lowest was 45g wet. im quite happy with these results as the big buds are purple even at a high temp around 85 degrees and they could have done a lot better if they were in a bigger space. i would imagine i can easily get 100g wet off each plant with the same veg time in a bigger tent
Heres a quick bud shot. I got 165g wet of buds like this except for one plant which I didnt have at all set right. But that's because I broke that entire plant at the stem and couldnt train it (it came back fine but it had outgrown the tent moreso than the rest and was taller than the light). If I would have had a cooler environment or let them go longer they would have purpled up more but I wanted it at the most cloudy possible

I need to tidy up the buds more but the undersides of the leaves I left on are full of trichs
Heres a quick bud shot. I got 165g wet of buds like this except for one plant which I didnt have at all set right. But that's because I broke that entire plant at the stem and couldnt train it (it came back fine but it had outgrown the tent moreso than the rest and was taller than the light). If I would have had a cooler environment or let them go longer they would have purpled up more but I wanted it at the most cloudy possible

I need to tidy up the buds more but the undersides of the leaves I left on are full of trichs
Oh nice, off some clones though in a small space, and 1 month flower, who wouldn’t like that.
First round was a success 40g of dried bud that looks a lot like this with purple in spots. I could let it go longer and purple more or grow in a colder environment. Beautiful plant just beautiful. Smokes great too. Glad I held on to the mother. Shes a keeper and I plan to try to hold her for life. Shes my little purple queen.
Right under half an ounce a plant I could easily bump it up to 20g or more in a better environment than a 2ftx2ftx3ft with no head room and no light penetration.
