Indoor Senseimillan Presents Grow Log 9/17 (Crystal Candy Auto / Auto Jedi Kush)

Well I am hoping it's whey powder or else my last post made no sence lmao,, sorry you give me lots of ideas that are scrabbling my head at moment lol ille sit quietly and learn,,,chicken livers ????? Would work????
Chicken livers probably, there's people that put a raw organic egg in the bottom of their pot one egg per plant and thats it. Nothing else but water. I found a research paper on the applications of whey on soil you can read it after I convert it for the site. Edit: It's 158 pages long, too large to post as images. I don't know if I can put download links so if anyone wants it, send me private message. I'll put download links in the future if I'm permitted.

One thing to note about protein is that they are high in nitrogen so be aware of that when using it in a soil mix or fermentation.
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@briman am i allowed to post download links for White Paper PDFs? To convert to png and upload them... some of my papers are over 150 pages, 1 image per page... Let me know, thanks!
I received this from bigplantscience in a responce to a question in regards to recycling soil and other uses such as teas and culture's I hope you find interesting, well I guessing you know but I doing homework :smokeout:

We love product and grow related questions.

The bacteria and mykorrizia will still be in your soil, but its good to reamend the soil to boost espcially the bacteria poplulation.

Regarding making Tea with Plant Explosion,

Yes that is a possibility, for that u will need to add Air Stone and best if you could use yeast extract as food source.
Molasses will also work but need to add some protein like whey powder.
If the food source is to narrow in composition you will end up with certian bacterias out preforming other's bac strains and have less diversification in your Tea.

Making Tea for plants are always a BiG bonus if you work in the organic world, but it will not make up for NPK+Mg+S usages by the plant so pls add some fertiliser either organic or salt based
in addetion to the Tea.

Thanks for your questions regarding Plant Explosion

Have a good day
I received this from bigplantscience in a responce to a question in regards to recycling soil and other uses such as teas and culture's I hope you find interesting, well I guessing you know but I doing homework :smokeout:

We love product and grow related questions.

The bacteria and mykorrizia will still be in your soil, but its good to reamend the soil to boost espcially the bacteria poplulation.

Regarding making Tea with Plant Explosion,

Yes that is a possibility, for that u will need to add Air Stone and best if you could use yeast extract as food source.
Molasses will also work but need to add some protein like whey powder.
If the food source is to narrow in composition you will end up with certian bacterias out preforming other's bac strains and have less diversification in your Tea.

Making Tea for plants are always a BiG bonus if you work in the organic world, but it will not make up for NPK+Mg+S usages by the plant so pls add some fertiliser either organic or salt based
in addetion to the Tea.

Thanks for your questions regarding Plant Explosion

Have a good day

Cool man I did not know that about the whey, I will add some tonight! :thumbsup::thanks:
@hairyman after thinking about your post, I have decided to add one scoop of this to my bacta-farm.


I don't use whey, so I don't have any lying around. I did have this! I think it goes above and beyond any whey powder. Plus it has the added benefit of being 70% fermented already so it shouldn't heat up my mix too much. I'm going to add a few scoops of this to the soil mix too.

ALL MEASURES ARE APPROXIMATE. I USED THE FORCE TO CALCULATE EVERYTHING. (Estimates are also made based on how much of a package I used.)

40L Chunky Coco
4L Pea Gravel
2L Leftover Promix
75g Fermented Whole Body Nutrition with Greens supplement
40g Diatomaceous Earth Powder
30g Kelp Powder
10g Chaga Mushroom Powder
10g Dextrose

5 soapnuts broken in pieces
(soap nuts contain saponins, powerful hydrophyllic molecules that can facilitate transport of certain compounds within plants). I've never included them in a soil mix before so I used very little.
10 Capsules Humic/Fulvic Acids
10 Capsules Multi Probiotic

I let the coco soak in water for 24 hours, but this mix still feels dry. I'm going to add some clay in small amounts tomorrow until I have the consistency I want.


So I was in the workshop from about 8pm to 6am building the light.

I ran into an issue: See I bought my drivers under the impression that I could run 2 QBs in series based on what turned out to be erroneous information and I was too ignorant to notice at the time. So I wired everything up, soldered it, plugged it in.......nothing.....fuck. Ok chop off all connections, resolder, plug in.....nothing.....

Ok so it's my first time soldering, figured it's my dumbass self causing the problem. Very carefully now this time taking over twice as long to solder....plug it in.....nothing.

mE: "Ok google, WTF IS MY PROBLEM? "
gOOgLE: "..."
mE: "Oh STFU what do you know! Fucking AI thinks it runs the world..."

My driver's can only handle multiple QB304 in parallel, they don't have the forward voltage required to power 2 QB304 in series, just 2 QB 288 in series. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... DUUUHHHHHHHHH. Fuck me.

So I disconnected everything, cleaned all connections, wired all 4 QB304s in parallel to a single driver. I was planning on running 2 QB304 in series and dimming to 50% (700 mA out of an available 1400 mA per board). Running 4 in parallel makes 700mA the max available, and is running the boards at 50% capacity. That's fine, I have spare drivers for the next project, and If I build a bigger spot, I can add another driver to turn this baby up. I'm just glad it's over. Today I install it in the cabinet and see how much it raises the ambient temp.