Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

IN an ideal world i would not have chopped the fruity chronic juice until next week sometime. Even with the early thief chop she is exceptional...my friend smoked a half joint and was almost over the edge stoned. :D Ahh exactly the kind of stone i am after. So far this season quality is exceptional all around with FCJ leading the pack and Green Poison closely nipping at her heals in regards to potency.
And yield on the fcj? For self preservation i have decided to not post weights anymore, but I now believe these thief scumbags got away with only their lives...cause i don't think they got a scrap of bud!! That makes me VERY happy!!
IN an ideal world i would not have chopped the fruity chronic juice until next week sometime. Even with the early thief chop she is exceptional...my friend smoked a half joint and was almost over the edge stoned. :D Ahh exactly the kind of stone i am after. So far this season quality is exceptional all around with FCJ leading the pack and Green Poison closely nipping at her heals in regards to potency.
And yield on the fcj? For self preservation i have decided to not post weights anymore, but I now believe these thief scumbags got away with only their lives...cause i don't think they got a scrap of bud!! That makes me VERY happy!!
puts a smile on me face!
Waira and i were talking about limited light having an impact on scent strength and trich production. Its just that i dont see it! Lots of trichs and generally lots of stink from the partial sun garden plants!!
I think the biggest impact of limited light for me this season was less bud weight. During veg and first couple of weeks of flower, warm and sunny. Plants grew very well, lots of bud sites, then sola takes a vacation for almost 2 months. Largest plants I've grown, massive root systems, radiantly healthy, and the smallest yield I've had! Resin production and potency way up there though. Now that I've learned how to grow big ones I'm waiting for nice weather like the 2nd season I grew autos; averaged almost 2 oz per plant and I was still pretty clueless about autos.
I think the biggest impact of limited light for me this season was less bud weight. During veg and first couple of weeks of flower, warm and sunny. Plants grew very well, lots of bud sites, then sola takes a vacation for almost 2 months. Largest plants I've grown, massive root systems, radiantly healthy, and the smallest yield I've had! Resin production and potency way up there though. Now that I've learned how to grow big ones I'm waiting for nice weather like the 2nd season I grew autos; averaged almost 2 oz per plant and I was still pretty clueless about autos.

Totally agree...limited light definitely does affect yield and very often bud density. Cant wait until you get it going next season bud!! This season you rocked it my friend!
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Gonna send you some sunshine and warm temps my friend!

Thank you very much!! So far so good, but i am not out of the woods quite yet...if i had to take every plant at once i would be totally swamped with too much at once. I need all the help with weather i can get, so thanks bud!