Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

the carefree attitude people have with other peoples stuff sadly dosnt shock me anymore.and not of much comfort getting a % of your stuff back,as it was detached from rest of plant.but better than nothing.even so its the invasion of personal space that hurts the most.
you still have something to work with,im sure you will make the most of it.
best of luck
:smoking: fingers crossed brudda!... mine didn't start until there was some solid density to them, about half done..? ....man, your weather, it's a grab-bag of WTF is next!? :doh:
:smoking: fingers crossed brudda!... mine didn't start until there was some solid density to them, about half done..? ....man, your weather, it's a grab-bag of WTF is next!? :doh:

This is a somewhat typical season up here, though a very wet beginning and a hot end were unusual....gets crazy some years!! Some decent...meh...never know what momma nature is planning!! One few thing remains consistent every year. Temps especially night temps drop like a stone early Oct.
Took a close look at all the girls today and formulated my early chop plan starting very soon!! Gonna be super busy once i start for a couple of weeks!! Will leave atomic until the end, or near to the end....honestly i just want this season done. Yeah in an ideal world i would say another 4 weeks to go...not gonna happen

Welcome to Canada! Hahaha.

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Hahaha :D Yep!
** smoked a joint of the salvaged Atomic today....wow!! The buzz certainly is there for such immature bud!! Tasted a touch harsh due to nutes, but it does bode well for the fruity chronic salvaged buds!! Joint burned just fine...i do believe that 16 liters of feed at 3.5ML Bloom fuel A+B per liter, 2ml Pro-Cal, 3ml Massive, 3ml Terpinator, 1ml liquid w-8 every 3-5 days is a very solid feed schedule for monster plants. I did notice the fruity chronic juice and atomic was falling behind a bit on feeds, but for the green poison and the think fast it was a perfect fit(no pro-cal in the think fast). Next season 24L per plant for the heavy feeders and the monster framed plants.
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:baked: agreed! Atomic is fine bud,.... I have to sort and final clean the late cut tonight, ditto for Think Fast... got a 1/4lb off Crystal Candy! ...TF likely about the same,... The Purple Trainwreck will yield nicely for her size, I was amazed at how much came off her yesterday! Very dense buds, and she held off the mold quite well- :thumbsup:....finished fast too considering her late start, so maybe another one worth considering at some point for you,...:eyebrows:....
I'm stoked to hear you picked up the F1FV version of Green Poison! I think she will fit the bill for your needs perfectly,... curious to see how short the bloom time will be, given the size potential--if that makes a difference...I know they tend to trigger early- :thumbsup:
.. that feed regime, is that all per L?
Glad everything has worked out 912GreenSkell, I would still worry they come back for more. I have noticed over the years I get way more mold if it's wet and warm in late September/October compared to wet and cool. I actually prefer cooler temps about now.

My Durban Poison is confusing me, still showing some white hairs, the trichome spectrum is all over the place, some buds show all clear and white trichomes while other buds on the same branch showing amber and milky, some yellowing of the leaves but overall not much fall colors like I'm used too.
:baked: agreed! Atomic is fine bud,.... I have to sort and final clean the late cut tonight, ditto for Think Fast... got a 1/4lb off Crystal Candy! ...TF likely about the same,... The Purple Trainwreck will yield nicely for her size, I was amazed at how much came off her yesterday! Very dense buds, and she held off the mold quite well- :thumbsup:....finished fast too considering her late start, so maybe another one worth considering at some point for you,...:eyebrows:....
I'm stoked to hear you picked up the F1FV version of Green Poison! I think she will fit the bill for your needs perfectly,... curious to see how short the bloom time will be, given the size potential--if that makes a difference...I know they tend to trigger early- :thumbsup:
.. that feed regime, is that all per L?

1/4 off CC nice man!! Cant complain with that pull!! Yes the feed regime is per Liter...good call forgot to put that in there!! I am interested to see how much faster the Fast version runs compared to the regular version!! A mere 2 weeks carved off i would be very happy!

Glad everything has worked out 912GreenSkell, I would still worry they come back for more. I have noticed over the years I get way more mold if it's wet and warm in late September/October compared to wet and cool. I actually prefer cooler temps about now.

My Durban Poison is confusing me, still showing some white hairs, the trichome spectrum is all over the place, some buds show all clear and white trichomes while other buds on the same branch showing amber and milky, some yellowing of the leaves but overall not much fall colors like I'm used too.

I too often find the same thing with mold...usually when its hot here, the humidity is very high(70%+). I quite often see the humidity far lower(50-60%) when its colder(15C-20C) outside. Cold night temps tend to keep the daily dew lower as well.

Hmmm tough call on the durban bud. On mine last season the trichs and hair colours went along with everything i know about taking a plant on the perfect day.
Glad everything has worked out 912GreenSkell, I would still worry they come back for more. I have noticed over the years I get way more mold if it's wet and warm in late September/October compared to wet and cool. I actually prefer cooler temps about now.

My Durban Poison is confusing me, still showing some white hairs, the trichome spectrum is all over the place, some buds show all clear and white trichomes while other buds on the same branch showing amber and milky, some yellowing of the leaves but overall not much fall colors like I'm used too.

If they come..we'll be waiting @Boogieman - this is their last shot to steal the weed unless they are prepared to get really serious, cause next year its security systems up the arse. I would much prefer a full on fight, than this sneaking around in the shadows bullshit.
Said what the hell and took the rest of the fruity chronic juice today

Grabbed a few wet chronic shots and a few dry bud pics

Cream Caramel looking pretty stellar up close! Limited trichs from limited light??


And mmmm green poison looking sweet indeed!!


Okay and onto a few shots of the Fruity Chronic Juice...she could have went longer but i just wanted to get another plant done and in.


Absolutely rock hard buds from the salvaged FCJ....first strain i have even grown that you could put 112grams into a jar!! Killer smoke too, and thank the heavens i was right...the FCJ was indeed falling behind in feeds so therefore the toke burns and tastes well.