Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Boom! Widowbomb is dry and looks and smokes amazing...really happy with the toke.

Not too shabby at all for a location with less than 6 hours of sun by harvest!!
More of a keep it fresh until you can get to it type of thing! Or at least thats the way i see it! ;)
think its the same sort of idea where if you buy fresh cut flowers and put them in water keeps them freash for a week or so
think its the same sort of idea where if you buy fresh cut flowers and put them in water keeps them freash for a week or so

Yeah exactly!! Tell you what....it sure makes it easier when i have to cut a whole plant at once due to weather or whatever.

Thats some serious frost on those nugs!


Yeah man!! Really nice for sure! Just the beginning...more pics of dry coming up soon!!
blue widow dried and read to toke...nice berry flavour and smell on this one. Excellent indica oriented potency(as pics suggest)...great looking bud for less than 5 total hours of direct light by harvest!!(outdoors) Yield midgrade but decent for location(7oz)


And the think fast dried...sweet!! Best flavour of the season...quite a surprise as last seasont think fast was very piney in taste...this seasons is quite fruity...love it


And the Bomb Atomic....premature yes....stellar toke anyways though...yield for size? Meh, not bad, not great.
