Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

I grew a durban poison form DP last season and i was super happy with the results...prime yields and a really nice tasty uphigh smoke. Full outdoor grow and med smoke review in the DP reviews section. Both plants are looking excellent!! The PIneapple chunk is it barneys farm?

Yea the pineapple chunk is Barney's farm. It's good to hear something positive about Durban Poison.
Yea the pineapple chunk is Barney's farm. It's good to hear something positive about Durban Poison.

Really was happy with the durban....how could i complain about a 50oz yield of a nice early sativa!! Fruity licorice smell and taste.


Showing roughly half of the branches
Wow that's just amazing, the most I have gotten from a plant was about 20oz. Was the smoke like the pure sativa's we used to smoke back in the day?

Hey 20 is a solid haul, and better than most can grow outdoors! Yes the smoke was pure sativa like in nature...if you want a full buzz and outdoor grow and smoke report check out Dp's review section.
Hey great to see you bud! hope things are going well. Thanks for stopping by, the comment and of course the rep!
things are goin great in my tent. sour alien livers log in my Sig if you want to check em out quick, some very very nice sized and terpy plants! thanks for asking. hope all is well with you my friend
what breeder is that Durban of yours? DP?
things are goin great in my tent. sour alien livers log in my Sig if you want to check em out quick, some very very nice sized and terpy plants! thanks for asking. hope all is well with you my friend
what breeder is that Durban of yours? DP?

Yeah thats a DP Durban i did last season. Nice work on your thread bud!!
thanks brotha man, how did you like the high and resin production ect. from the DP Durban?

Resin production was good, but not exceptional....goes to show why the THC ratings on the durban are a little lower than many of todays varieties.....the toke though was excellent....considering the rather low ratings, the toke is very, very strong. One of my friends found the durban to get them exceptionally high, higher than even other varieties like the think fast and fruity chronic juice.