Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

as I've said before, I want to be 912 when I grow up! You have no idea how inspiring your grows are! big enduring Thanks! I still have my 2 biggest girls in greenhouse, 3 days almost constant rain, river at bankfull. Supposed to have some sun this weekend, gonna harvest then, i want them touched by the sun again.
A few green poison pics...started to use water only for the remainder of her life...hit her with 32 liters today, average bud on the right
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Not bad. :eyebrows:

Lets get some love happening!! Always willing to help everyone grow monsters of their own!! Fire up some comments!!
@trailanimal, @Jraven, @captcold, @Belivitez , @Vlad The Inhaler , @Eclectic Elle , @iampepe , @Rebel, @wwwillie , @Powerful14 , @Arthur , @Maria Sanchez , @islandgrower , @Bud Wiser UK , @stemimed, @MedGrower , @MediScrogs, @arty zan

What's got you all bouncing around again? Caught some fish? Finished the trim-a-thon? Been smoking some of my Brooklyn Sunrise? he he .. :crying:
mefuckingtoo! next season, got a raised garden bed composted and ready!

Now thats what i am talking about!!

as I've said before, I want to be 912 when I grow up! You have no idea how inspiring your grows are! big enduring Thanks! I still have my 2 biggest girls in greenhouse, 3 days almost constant rain, river at bankfull. Supposed to have some sun this weekend, gonna harvest then, i want them touched by the sun again.

Thanks so much my friend!! Excellent bud, they must be looking great now!! Mold holding off okay?

Not bad. :eyebrows:

What's got you all bouncing around again? Caught some fish? Finished the trim-a-thon? Been smoking some of my Brooklyn Sunrise? he he .. :crying:

Fish caught, check!! Plants harvested, uncheck!! Soon though soon!! Brooklyn Sunrise is gone...smoked it all while fishing!! :D
Now thats what i am talking about!!

Thanks so much my friend!! Excellent bud, they must be looking great now!! Mold holding off okay?

Fish caught, check!! Plants harvested, uncheck!! Soon though soon!! Brooklyn Sunrise is gone...smoked it all while fishing!! :D
only way to fish!
A few green poison pics...started to use water only for the remainder of her life...hit her with 32 liters today, average bud on the right
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How'd that GP grow for ya brother? I'm waiting on one to pop out!

You astonish me with the bud you constantly grow... My goodness... :drool:

Fat rep slap incoming!! Sorry I haven't replied on the gun convo we were having lol those are some beauties as well! Nice wish list! Will get back soon!! Hope you and the Mrs. Are well!!