Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

We have plenty of sun here at the moment Skell - do you want some? :pass:

Hahaha i sure do!! Okay so it seems you UK folks are getting a fair bit of sun this year....so according to guys on other forums you guys should have the outdoor monsters and i should be scrapping for 4 ounce photos right? Right? :D We'll see!! ;) :D
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Hahaha i sure do!! Okay so it seems you UK folks are getting a fair bit of sun this year....so according to guys on other forums you guys should have the outdoor monsters and i should be scrapping for 4 ouncers right? Right? :D We'll see!! ;) :D

That is an understatement dude. It has been so hot lately it is unreal, at least by British standards. In fact we are on track to have our hottest June spell in 40 years. We have had 5 consecutive days above 30C now, with the past two days being 33C and 34C respectively. And tomorrow we have 35C forecast here. Right now as I am writing this at 5:28pm, my local rapid-fire weather station is reporting a temp of 34.9C. It has been hotter here today than in Barcelona, Rome, Athens & Cairo.

Concerned again about the lack of rain though. We haven't had any rain for about 2 weeks now, and temps have been far hotter than they were in the spring so everything has dried out again real fast. At present I am having to make trips each day, to a different plot, to hand water or else they are wilting, so I need a respite from the high temps and some rain, SOON.

Glad to hear you got through the storms and tornado warnings. The plants are looking really good for this time of year. From what I have seen the past 2 seasons, you're probably at the top when it comes to maximising auto yields. Your autos seem to pack on the size and get huge come harvest. I'll get some pics up of my autos in the coming days... now that the security issues have blown over on my end. We're both running a few of the same auto strains...

ATB dude, keep up the good work! I'll be checking in more regularly again now! :thumbsup:
Mega update!! The full crew...every plant is doing very well...photos at day 79 , new batch autos at day 32, and the old sour soil autos are on day 45.

Partial Sun Garden first Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel

Bomb Widowbomb

Dinafem Blue Widow

And the 4 sour soil start autos day 45...goes to show how a great start makes all the difference in the world in autos!!
Front row left cherry bomb, Front Right DP White widow CBD, Back row left DP Cinderella jack, Back Right DP Brooklyn Sunrise. As i guessed within 2 weeks of growth, these plants will only be a shadow of their potential as they are all around 2-2.5feet tall(pretty small...lol). Main thing is i get to try the bud for med effect.

Alrighty then....and time to get serious....full sun garden is rocking...all around!! Start off with the 4 photos all at day 79. 1 Liter container of green planet nutes in for scale.
Sweet Green POison

Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice

Bomb Atomic

DP think Fast

Wow...yep...doing pretty good considering insane weather and rain for the last 3 weeks!!

And the autos...some doing good, some doing great! All at day 32.

Starting off with the battle of the widows.

DP WW first...looking good!! Dropped behind 2" in height from the Dinafem AWW, and looking great. One of the most advanced in flower

Dinafem AWWXXL also doing great...both of the AWW's are loving life...dinafems XXL is showing, being one of the least advanced in flower.

Portal Nashira doing well...she does have some taco leaves going on though....and its not even hot? Just the adverse weather i guess beating her up a bit. Probably the most advanced in flower.

Ah crap...portrait style sideways...will figure out later...cherry bomb...amongst the shortest of the autos but awesome side branches

Amazing...went from the shortest to the tallest. Sweet Bloody Skunk. Not a whole lot of side branching, but a crazy main stalk. Will get measurements next round, but she has to be over 30" i think.

Sweet Cream Mandarin....this plant is growing like crazy now!!

And dinafem Moby Dick XXL...tied with glueberry for shortest frame. Looking good though!

Tapped out at 15 pics...glueberry next
And the Glueberry OG...again amongst the smallest of the batch....using only manure tea instead of sticking with GP nutes was an error (strike 1! LOL)

Ah yes...caught a shot of a little bug on the Fruity Chronic Juice...he knows quality is incoming!!

A shot of an Atomic Fan leaf

Overview of a few plants, fruity chronic juice foreground, think fast back left, atomic back right, moby dick front and glueberry autos showing on the right. Cream mandarin creeping in on the left.

And an overview of the other side showing the line of 4 autos and the sweet green poison at the top frame

That is an understatement dude. It has been so hot lately it is unreal, at least by British standards. In fact we are on track to have our hottest June spell in 40 years. We have had 5 consecutive days above 30C now, with the past two days being 33C and 34C respectively. And tomorrow we have 35C forecast here. Right now as I am writing this at 5:28pm, my local rapid-fire weather station is reporting a temp of 34.9C. It has been hotter here today than in Barcelona, Rome, Athens & Cairo.

Concerned again about the lack of rain though. We haven't had any rain for about 2 weeks now, and temps have been far hotter than they were in the spring so everything has dried out again real fast. At present I am having to make trips each day, to a different plot, to hand water or else they are wilting, so I need a respite from the high temps and some rain, SOON.

Glad to hear you got through the storms and tornado warnings. The plants are looking really good for this time of year. From what I have seen the past 2 seasons, you're probably at the top when it comes to maximising auto yields. Your autos seem to pack on the size and get huge come harvest. I'll get some pics up of my autos in the coming days... now that the security issues have blown over on my end. We're both running a few of the same auto strains...

ATB dude, keep up the good work! I'll be checking in more regularly again now! :thumbsup:

Hey bud....absolutely great to hear bud!! Hopefully everything is going well for you!! Look forward to see some pics from you! Plants going well?
Oh yes...measured the Sour Soil autos tonight,,,smallest is 23"(cindy jack who is also getting beat down from leafhoppers), and the largest has a 26" main stalk(AWW CBD)...meh :shrug: The difference between a 1.5 ounce plant, and a 5 ouncer, is a good start versus a poor one. To master autos i believe you must master early growth...push the plants to the edge, just don't push them over the edge with too strong a mix. ;) Do that with a smooth transition to semi-favourable weather, and you'll do well.