Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Got out and measured today...some are rocking, some not loving the crappy weather...
on day 35
Sweet bloody Skunk leading the pack at 33"
Dinafem AWW XXL at 32"
DP AWW 30"
Sweet Mandarin 29"
Cherry Bomb 25"
Nashira, Glueberry, Moby Dick XXL 23"

Happy with size overall considering crazy weather(rain again today again). If i can pull another 5-6" out of the smaller plants i should do really well. Sidebranches forming fairly well all around. I tied Moby and DP Glueberry over a little more a couple of days ago...moby ended up with mostly uniform branches, but the most south faced branch on glueberry blasted out in size...looks like the glueberry should have some solid sidebranches now.
Nice bud...put the pieces of the puzzle together in that certain order and whammo. Thats one thing i always try to teach folks. Every environment is different, and you have to work within the climate and do things slightly different to achieve incredible grows. Find the weak link, or the "limiting factor" and try to decrease that factor. Its why many grower take several years to perfect grows in their micro climate.
my 4th auto season, still not "there", and learning
It passed after an absolute hammer down rain storm for 3 hours,, and blue skies on the horizon...we did get hammered and I checked out the test garden plants(which are perfect), and also checked the full sun garden plants and they made it though unscathed!....whew! I think i am getting of easy this round!! Heavy winds knocked off a tree branch that crashed through our tarp overhang over the outdoor kitchen...bent the post and ripped the roof...not too bad at all considering the potential.
sigh of relief
Mega update!! The full crew...every plant is doing very well...photos at day 79 , new batch autos at day 32, and the old sour soil autos are on day 45.

Partial Sun Garden first Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel
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Bomb Widowbomb
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Dinafem Blue Widow
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And the 4 sour soil start autos day 45...goes to show how a great start makes all the difference in the world in autos!!
Front row left cherry bomb, Front Right DP White widow CBD, Back row left DP Cinderella jack, Back Right DP Brooklyn Sunrise. As i guessed within 2 weeks of growth, these plants will only be a shadow of their potential as they are all around 2-2.5feet tall(pretty small...lol). Main thing is i get to try the bud for med effect.
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Alrighty then....and time to get serious....full sun garden is rocking...all around!! Start off with the 4 photos all at day 79. 1 Liter container of green planet nutes in for scale.
Sweet Green POison
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Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice
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Bomb Atomic
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DP think Fast
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Wow...yep...doing pretty good considering insane weather and rain for the last 3 weeks!!

And the autos...some doing good, some doing great! All at day 32.

Starting off with the battle of the widows.

DP WW first...looking good!! Dropped behind 2" in height from the Dinafem AWW, and looking great. One of the most advanced in flower
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Dinafem AWWXXL also doing great...both of the AWW's are loving life...dinafems XXL is showing, being one of the least advanced in flower.
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Portal Nashira doing well...she does have some taco leaves going on though....and its not even hot? Just the adverse weather i guess beating her up a bit. Probably the most advanced in flower.
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Ah crap...portrait style sideways...will figure out later...cherry bomb...amongst the shortest of the autos but awesome side branches
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Amazing...went from the shortest to the tallest. Sweet Bloody Skunk. Not a whole lot of side branching, but a crazy main stalk. Will get measurements next round, but she has to be over 30" i think.
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Sweet Cream Mandarin....this plant is growing like crazy now!!
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And dinafem Moby Dick XXL...tied with glueberry for shortest frame. Looking good though!
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Tapped out at 15 pics...glueberry next
wow, big smile on my face, beauties abound!, something about Dina ww!
Oh yes...measured the Sour Soil autos tonight,,,smallest is 23"(cindy jack who is also getting beat down from leafhoppers), and the largest has a 26" main stalk(AWW CBD)...meh :shrug: The difference between a 1.5 ounce plant, and a 5 ouncer, is a good start versus a poor one. To master autos i believe you must master early growth...push the plants to the edge, just don't push them over the edge with too strong a mix. ;) Do that with a smooth transition to semi-favourable weather, and you'll do well.
and as a container grower I find it's a fine line on watering as well. If i don't keep the entire pot moist I'm loosing root growth and plant size, but easy to over W and slow things down. Whole deal very sensitive to current conditions; light, wind, RH.