Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

You're welcome! Happy for everyone i can share the progress.

Sounds like you already made some experiences...those COBs are another league for themselfes as it seems to me right now.

He is! Arent we all?

Just learning, sharing and growing......and having great party to do it, my friend!
Nice grow going..i was reading through and its weird that dp has that hermi problem..Im looking at your setup and Im not sure but i would move the two lights on the sides more to the middle . Looks like you are loosing side lighting into the side of the tent .maybe even an angle approach. How are the bottom branches doing?I try to get my lights as close as possible without getting light burn while in flower.
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Great stuff @ClockworkOrange leds look the dogs danglers, very tasty looking plants too :smoking:

Thanks, they really smell tasty 2, nice and fresh...cant really define it before i vape some :biggrin:

Nice grow going..i was reading through and its weird that dp has that hermi problem..Im looking at your setup and Im not sure but i would move the two lights on the sides more to the middle . Looks like you are loosing side lighting into the side of the tent .maybe even an angle approach. How are the bottom branches doing?I try to get my lights as close as possible without getting light burn while in flower.

The bottom branches are doing ok, try to remember and give you some shots of them with next update. Yeah, that hermie thing is a really strange thing...i dont know, may i overdone with pre-ferting my soil, may it was some rough temp changes, had sometimes a fall at night down to 16°C...i'm not sure, but something really went wrong there. Tagged @DutchPassionTony befor but no reply so far, he may know some more, but it wasnt only the DP strains, on whidow did it 2 and the female wappa also, and we have the 3 LD crossed plants who ALL went male, on the LD i dont got further reference cause its the first time i did them but i did some wappaXtao under HPS before and there was no hermie at all...need to fix temps and go with less pre-ferting next time and we'll see if i can figure out what it was, any experiences from anyone that may help to track down i would appreciate. Didnt grow Orange Bud before and did not grow White Whidow before but i dont think thats a common thing to happen, neither @ Dutch Passion nor @ least i got 10 strong ladys still keeping it real. :eyebrows:
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@DABaracuss On the lights positoning, i try to keep them as close as possible without keeping the light from spreading properly, should be between 5-15cm distance we talking right now in flower. The positioning is something i thought of much. I think in general your idea is not bad, but i figured for myself that i get these 3 rows of plants directly under the light with the sides of the tent also refelcecting to the lower branches. I may change for a quick look to what you just proposed and take a look, snap a pic and talk that next time.
Part 10 - Pics taken today. Watered again with Guano feeding. Last time for this grow. Only plain water from now on.

My standard left-middle-right view:
Now to the more intense part... @DABaracuss I'll start this one with some side bud view for you homie! So here we go, left side OBud:


And we continue with some down to earth lightspread/bud developement/phenotype views! Enjoy!


and last but not least a nice Orange Bud double cola:
Now lets get a little bit into this light spreading thing...

@DABaracuss this is 'how I hang'

and this is my understanding of what you meant looks like (for this pic i did not lower or raise the lights, didnt move hte plant at all, just brought thelights more to the middle)

as you can see there is some shadow at the end of the right and left lane. Closer look:

Thanks to you i just re-thought the light arrangemend but did not change as much as this - i pushed the left lane plants more to the middle but stayed with lights straight over the tops. This is how it looks now, slightly tighter fit!

Now lets get a little bit into this light spreading thing...

@DABaracuss this is 'how I hang'
View attachment 744331

and this is my understanding of what you meant looks like (for this pic i did not lower or raise the lights, didnt move hte plant at all, just brought thelights more to the middle)
View attachment 744332

as you can see there is some shadow at the end of the right and left lane. Closer look:
View attachment 744333 View attachment 744334

Thanks to you i just re-thought the light arrangemend but did not change as much as this - i pushed the left lane plants more to the middle but stayed with lights straight over the tops. This is how it looks now, slightly tighter fit!

View attachment 744335

lookin good buf
Quick dumping some new pics- 2 i would say are fully ripened, the other 8 still need at least a week i think. Added some HESIPowern ZYME i found in the stashbox to prepare the harvest...


Alread wiped the dust of my scissors...
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