Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

girl is asking: yo bab! where you going? the doc replies: just taking a walk down the street- have to pick some shit up!

thanks for pointing out, gonna check it 2
There is a huge park here, where people pay for a ride by horse and carriage.
We go for walks there with the dogs. I am used to be considered strange and eccentric, so I pick up all the shit I want! :funny:

Pick from The Queen's Deer Garden. When Her Majesty and her husband, the prince, want deer for dinner, they send their Hofjægermester there to shoot some. Then prince, now retired from public duties, refuses to be prince consort. He strongly feel he should have the title of King. He is a big pain in the ass for Her Majesty the Queen.

@Dr. Babnik I am totally down with people try to use all nature is offering, and who thought as a child that he, as a grown man would be glad for the offerings of the 'dark side of the horse' :bow: :stir: :growing:

edit: after the first success with those horses you'll be all up int the park at the horses like 'gimme some mo' :deadhorse:

girl is asking: yo bab! where you going? the doc replies: just taking a walk down the street- have to pick some shit up!

thanks for pointing out, gonna check it 2

Yeah i use LOTS of horse manure (2 wheelbarrows per plant) for my big photos and lime for veg, and I get some monsters...find horse manure a bit lacking when it somes to flower, but damn does it work well for vegging plants. Here is my biggest so far...90oz dry DP blueberry....11meter circumference and 2 meter average height.
Yeah i use LOTS of horse manure (2 wheelbarrows per plant) for my big photos and lime for veg, and I get some monsters...find horse manure a bit lacking when it somes to flower, but damn does it work well for vegging plants. Here is my biggest so far...90oz dry DP blueberry....11meter circumference and 2 meter average height.
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Damn, thats a dangerous post, makes me expect a lot of my plants this outdoor season! I got some dolomite lime i'll spread 2 and the plan is to get some chicken shit to blend in either so the flower period is also big time juicy. My spot is roughly 6x2x1 meters, 6long 2wide and one deep, i got like a thirt to half filled up with horseshit, do you think thats enough to blend with the light soil from digging out? Do you may have a measurement how much dolomite lime i should spread per m²? I am trying to put 10-15 Erdpurt plants in there. I would be very honored if you could hook me up with some advice. Like your style.
Part 8, current date. Plants begin to fillup. I took a measurement in height today because i wanted to know how small they really are, here is the results: The OB's range between 70-80cm, the WW are only like half of the size. Thats not what i expected but since defo they started to fill up the buds slowly but visible. I pollinated somelower branches with wappa cross pollen from a dried male i pulled earlier (never mentioned it in the grow so far, it was the smaller one in a pot with the still standing female) so i get at least a few seeds of each pheno, just because i can :biggrin: used the q-tip method i think @FullDuplex taught me by his thread. (i hope i didnt get that mixed up)
The plants will need further support, one is already leaning like fat joe since i rearranged them today. Will support them with bamboo sticks the other day. They still got a month to go and i can see some willdo pretty good. there are 2 OB's that are almost covered in budsites, i really like that. I also lifted the vents and placed them in a position where the air is blowing at tip height thru the rows.

Left side : 1st plant is WappaX and 3x Orange Bud in the back
Middle: 3x Orange Bud (the tallest) including FatJoe pheno in the front doing his thing leaning back. Also FatJoe is hungry and has some lighter leaves.
Right side: 1st plant in front is Orange Bud and then we got 3x White Whidow in the back

Fed them OB's and the WappaX 500ml+Plagron green sensation (yeah i did it again) and the White Whidows around 400ml. Next up is some Guano Tea
Damn, thats a dangerous post, makes me expect a lot of my plants this outdoor season! I got some dolomite lime i'll spread 2 and the plan is to get some chicken shit to blend in either so the flower period is also big time juicy. My spot is roughly 6x2x1 meters, 6long 2wide and one deep, i got like a thirt to half filled up with horseshit, do you think thats enough to blend with the light soil from digging out? Do you may have a measurement how much dolomite lime i should spread per m²? I am trying to put 10-15 Erdpurt plants in there. I would be very honored if you could hook me up with some advice. Like your style.

Using chicken manure is a fine plan to help beef up the flower phase for sure. Your plot sound like a perfect size to grow some giants! 1/3rd to 1/2 horse manure is ample. Hmm i use lime to add some calmag, but also to assure PH is close to prime. I use around a 1/2 cup per meter squared. One thing...since you are using a fair bit of horse it well rotted? Some years around 1/4 of the manure i use is only half rotted. Since i also run a nutrient rich mix i run a buffer zone(essentially 1/4 the amount of horse manure in the soil in a 10cm zone surrounding the new planted plant) when i first plant the plants to help them make the transition to the heavy nutrient infused soil

INdoor plants are looking A-1 bud!! White widow, wappa, orange certainly have my attention! :D
Using chicken manure is a fine plan to help beef up the flower phase for sure. Your plot sound like a perfect size to grow some giants! 1/3rd to 1/2 horse manure is ample. Hmm i use lime to add some calmag, but also to assure PH is close to prime. I use around a 1/2 cup per meter squared. One thing...since you are using a fair bit of horse it well rotted? Some years around 1/4 of the manure i use is only half rotted. Since i also run a nutrient rich mix i run a buffer zone(essentially 1/4 the amount of horse manure in the soil in a 10cm zone surrounding the new planted plant) when i first plant the plants to help them make the transition to the heavy nutrient infused soil

INdoor plants are looking A-1 bud!! White widow, wappa, orange certainly have my attention! :D

I think the horse manure is about half rotten parts are pretty fresh, i just dug from the side of the pile trying to get a well mixed composition of low and upper part. Thanks for hooking me up with your knowledge, now i need to know how big are the cups u use? The buffer zone thing was already in my mind, good you named it again, i will pay attention!

I am happy with your comment since i am not that happy with my grow. i wanted them bigger and all this hermie shit was fucking with my mind but i guess i am on the better side now. As long as i yield some decent buds with high quality smoke i'm down with it! and there will be new seed crossings.... :shooty:
@Mossy @trailanimal @912GreenSkell @archie gemmill @TaNg @tripaholic88 @Yeatster @MissUniverse @Maria Sanchez @Rebel @stepside @Waira @Dr. Babnik @namvet25 ....two big pic dumps wait for your eyes :eyebrows:, take a look what i did, see the progress and check out the lights. Tell me what you think! Any visit and comment highly appreciated in here. Dont forget to bring your friends! I need some feedback to improve my groove :woody:

May the sauce be with you :mflb:

That is simply OUTSTANDING man... Max Rep! Sorry I'll get caught up asap! Those lights look like they are a perfect fit in your space!