Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

Part 3 - this time without 'timestamp' since i forgot where i put my 'document' -will reappear 4sure.

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As you can see at this Point one strange leave curl appeared (not sure why-guesses appreciated)
and some signs of overfeeding (hot soil)

Will do the next part again as the ones before more detailed. But you still see the developement.
Part 7 - This part will launch you from past to present Date (28th day in 12/12 -16th april) See the defo effects and the buds start to take shape. All the time i gave 500ml clear water because of the hot soil. Today was the first day to add something. I had a advertisement gift from plagron called 'green sensation' it says it increases sugar build up and helps the buds getting big quick - normally i dont use bottled nutrients- but since i already got it for a year i thought may this help me get more out of this run. lets see where this takes me. I put 20ml on 20l and gave each plant 1l. The effects may be already visible by next update.

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flowers galore, good thing some plants had to be removed, with archie on that
That is beautiful, better than my,growing abikties, I just tried dwc and it died twice on,me so I'm going to go back to soil myself for a while. I do have one photoperiod which is a dinafem cheese so ill have a learning curve a head of me.
Keep up the good work. Subbing up
@Mossy @trailanimal @912GreenSkell @archie gemmill @TaNg @tripaholic88 @Yeatster @MissUniverse @Maria Sanchez @Rebel @stepside @Waira @Dr. Babnik @namvet25 ....two big pic dumps wait for your eyes :eyebrows:, take a look what i did, see the progress and check out the lights. Tell me what you think! Any visit and comment highly appreciated in here. Dont forget to bring your friends! I need some feedback to improve my groove :woody:

May the sauce be with you :mflb:

@ClockworkOrange -- you post bud pics like that, and ask me for advice?!?!?

What is that stocky one with the exploding cola head chock full of white pistils?
Is it some kind of kush / afghani / pakistani monster?
I´ve been growing photos many years in the past, mostly DP genetics and sometimes the hermie-shit happens and OB is a easy,stable growing strain, today my time is running out, but be patient.....tomorow another big holy day and will re-read this and turn back, MR.!

you know, the sad thing is i wanted to get some OB seeds and some WW seeds, but there was not a single male! instead of that fuckng hermies! It's a least one OB male could have left me with a good stock of OB seeds... :cuss:

Impressive garden, indeed!

You can grow some serious bush in there!

thanks DOC! that is what it was meant for!!

cheers CO!, checking it out now

nice to have you trail, hows life in the free world of nature?

a shame about the hermies,but the remaining plants are filling up the tent again so alls good.
first time out with new lights will take a bit of tweeking.a few spots of bad luck,but you well ontop of them.
good luck.

you may be right! should be happy with things as they are. could've been worst...

rock'n light, plants eating it up

when i was driving down the street yesterday and watching the suns light rays break tru the clouds while settling down i could not help myself but thinking of this lights and their light colour- its definitely going by its name SANlight without shame- may one cant get it from the pics but its definitely pretty close to another.:cooldance:

912GreenSkell has used horse and lime to good results. Hows your native soil?

its light brown, a bit crumbly sandy, i think when i blend the dug out soil in to like 30-50% parts horse shit and add around 150-200g/m² chicken shit it will be usable to grow in.

That is beautiful, better than my,growing abikties, I just tried dwc and it died twice on,me so I'm going to go back to soil myself for a while. I do have one photoperiod which is a dinafem cheese so ill have a learning curve a head of me.
Keep up the good work. Subbing up

I think soil is more forgiving and less stress to grow, but i really never did go hydro. Got some air pump and stuff cause i wanted to do a 20 gallon liter bucket grow as shown is hightimes mag but i stuck to earth.

@ClockworkOrange -- you post bud pics like that, and ask me for advice?!?!?

What is that stocky one with the exploding cola head chock full of white pistils?
Is it some kind of kush / afghani / pakistani monster?

Anyone is welcome to tell me what he thinks. sometimes one idea can change everything!
To the plant you mention: In there are just Orange Bud, White Whidow and one single WappaXPurple Tao cross. You may copy paste the picture and i can tell you what it is. :thanks:
@ClockworkOrange, does horse poo need to be composted?

Mosty yes i think. Thats what people and books do mostly agree on. I took mine from a big pile where its rotting and i got half rotten ton fresh material. blended in with soil it should not be a problem. You can also use it as rootwarming system for your plants, because if not blended in soil, as a pure horse shit bottom layer it will be hot composting and giving up heat and CO²
But this is all theory, lets see how the practice is going... :joy:
Mosty yes i think. Thats what people and books do mostly agree on. I took mine from a big pile where its rotting and i got half rotten ton fresh material. blended in with soil it should not be a problem. You can also use it as rootwarming system for your plants, because if not blended in soil, as a pure horse shit bottom layer it will be hot composting and giving up heat and CO²
But this is all theory, lets see how the practice is going... :joy:
I can get the manure, but no place to compost it.
@Dr. Babnik manure sounds liquid to me, you sure mean the shit. Blend it in with your soil! I would try 1. 3rd horse 2. 3rd soil, add some myko and chicken shit/guano and the train should be rolling. may one test plant could tell more.. :eyebrows:

Yes, shit picked up from the street...

So just mix the uncomposted shit in soil? I'll try that.