Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

Awesome setup, Mr. Clock!
Looks very good.

I am will have organically grown among the plants outdoors this summer.
I have a few projects. There will be 4 plants in different comps, where at least one will be grown organic.

I will use Vertafort Organic Nutrition pellets and Biotabs Guerilla Tabs, and add bat poo when they flip to flower.
Awesome setup, Mr. Clock!
Looks very good.

I am will have organically grown among the plants outdoors this summer.
I have a few projects. There will be 4 plants in different comps, where at least one will be grown organic.

I will use Vertafort Organic Nutrition pellets and Biotabs Guerilla Tabs, and add bat poo when they flip to flower.

I prepared a place for outdoor 2, i am using horse shit. I wonder if it will work just mixed with a Little soil from digging the hole...its like 10m² and one deep so it was a big time sweat moves to get all that shit there :crying:
Part 3 - this time without 'timestamp' since i forgot where i put my 'document' -will reappear 4sure.


As you can see at this Point one strange leave curl appeared (not sure why-guesses appreciated)
and some signs of overfeeding (hot soil)

Will do the next part again as the ones before more detailed. But you still see the developement.
Part 4

You'll may recognize some bended heads, just was checking around before taking pics, so this is just temporary.


I will do a re-entry on what time passed by when Pictures was taken @ Part 3,4 and 5 so you can compare the growth to what you do.
Part 5 - had to pull my LDX since all 3 became male. I wonder if it has something to do with my soil mix. Also i used bird sand to cut off the gnats life cycle

the leave below was burned by the light, it was touching it when i came back to take care
what temps do you get on the heatsinks at your "solar noon" ( asking this to be sure they are running long enough for an averadge reading )

I did not measure the heatsinks temp, ill try with the metalhead extension of my meter to get you some readings. The average room temp with lights on is 24°C and i can touch the heatsinks, when i hold it i can feel it getting hot but still not crazy hot. as i said i hook you up with that data as soon as possible.
I already learned a lot in this run. Trying to go the lazy way i wanted to prepare a good soil mix -all organic- and i used a product called terra anima wich is humus compost with biological activated coal in it. I also mixed some dolomite lime for extra calmag and put on each 6,5l pot 250ml dusty pre mixed guano and stone powder for minerals and phosphorous for flower. even added myko mix since i do think i cant do any harm, even since i used 1l of that special activated terra anima. I did mean the best and the soil i used as a base was canna terra p+ and thats almost without any feeding value but as i see the really dark leaves (on the photos in the tent the natural color does not appear visual and the shitty camera does not do the beast job) and some curling here and there, my plants stayed pretty small for 4 weeks veg period. I have to admit i had some low temps at night (sometime 16°C) and that may fucked up a bit too but mostly i think i overfed them so the growth was not that good. My next updates will be directly up to what is going on right now and from then be 'live'. To spoiler a bit: they are now in 4th week of flower and i did some radical defo to increase bud production in hopes to compensate the small plants. I'll give some exact heights next times since i am at the moment not abled to do it.