Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

Count me in. I begin to realize that I will probably never buy a finished light as I am just a poor, itinerant dirt farmer. ha ha ha... But I am really interested in keeping up with the industry as these are the parts that will be in the pipeline in the coming months and years and I am all about light. Well, actually I am all about OVER light. I dont want to overpower them, I just want them to be drenched in it.

The format of this light could be very useful in small spaces.
what temps do you get on the heatsinks at your "solar noon" ( asking this to be sure they are running long enough for an averadge reading )

I had it stuck between a gap for a minute or two and had a measuring of around 46°C. I'll add some pics.
what temps do you get on the heatsinks at your "solar noon" ( asking this to be sure they are running long enough for an averadge reading )
Naaah, how can it be....for sure my buddi joins this SANLIGHT grow!
Count me in. I begin to realize that I will probably never buy a finished light as I am just a poor, itinerant dirt farmer. ha ha ha... But I am really interested in keeping up with the industry as these are the parts that will be in the pipeline in the coming months and years and I am all about light. Well, actually I am all about OVER light. I dont want to overpower them, I just want them to be drenched in it.

The format of this light could be very useful in small spaces.

There is even a smaller version of them, just released a few months ago, about halft the size. and these thing right here are about 1,2m long so not that small. I think 4 of the would be perfect for my 1,2mx1,2m tent. But to be honest there are cheaper ways to light it up, check @BigSm0 cob units, definitely a nice thing with many benefits also. but i am happy with my sanlights, just have to get used to led.


Finnally a Sanlight grow, subbed in!

Appreciate your visit. Will update soon keep the eyes open! Unfortunatley they stayed pretty small for 4 week veg. they are now already in the 4th week of flower!
There is even a smaller version of them, just released a few months ago, about halft the size. and these thing right here are about 1,2m long so not that small. I think 4 of the would be perfect for my 1,2mx1,2m tent. But to be honest there are cheaper ways to light it up, check @BigSm0 cob units, definitely a nice thing with many benefits also. but i am happy with my sanlights, just have to get used to led.

Have you seen those things? There's no way you should be able to get that much flowers from a little bitty light like that. Thats amazing.
Update Part 6
Switched to 12/12 on the 18th of march after a total of 30 days vegging. I wont get into details that much since this is a Re-View with pics. In the followeing documentation you'll see Ladys go into flower and some Ladyboys appear that will be treatet not as they may had preferred it. It was a shock for me that i had to cut down 3 plants because the went hermie...but take a look for yourself!

head with upcoming bud

other plant -hermie-

still a small plant for 4 weeks veg...


the cleanout, unfortunatley no gold nuggets were found...


shitty pheno, also hermie

Had to chop the 3 LDX before (all male - were in diff. pots), now i had to chop again another 3 plants (2 OB's-1 WW)...what a misery. so my wanted perfect show grow already flushed down the toilet. empty jars waiting to be filled up smoke i decided to go totally nuts and do a agressive defo training. I defoiled them on the 4th of April and so far i can say it could been a good decision. They had many leaves stopping light penetrating the budsites so i just went for it. In my next update u may see the progress i saw. Maybe i still get a decent yield, even with all the hermie killing and small plant issues. Learning never end. And the dried hemp leaves make an excellent tea!


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Part 7 - This part will launch you from past to present Date (28th day in 12/12 -16th april) See the defo effects and the buds start to take shape. All the time i gave 500ml clear water because of the hot soil. Today was the first day to add something. I had a advertisement gift from plagron called 'green sensation' it says it increases sugar build up and helps the buds getting big quick - normally i dont use bottled nutrients- but since i already got it for a year i thought may this help me get more out of this run. lets see where this takes me. I put 20ml on 20l and gave each plant 1l. The effects may be already visible by next update.

the upper reading showing the extension attached to the lights cooling mechanism. almost 46°C, thats not very hot! good work on that.