Photoperiod SanLight S4W LED Review on organic soil by Clockwork Orange

Will do a further update soon. Just planted some other beans unde the 250W CFL from my first AFN thread, they are 3x PurpleRyder/Seedsman and 1xMicronBastard/TopTaoseeds, both strains auto. They will be my first purple buds (hopefully they will show full expression). Had some pheno with coloring b4 but never really all purple. Its about time to do myself that favour!
Part 9 Did not have much time over the week so this update is a little late, anyway, this pics range is from Flower day 35-39 , some branches pollinated. So here we go:

Day on 12/12 No° 35 -Trichomes are developing, brachnes have been pollinated (48hrsb4) from small Wappa/TopTaoPurple male pollen. Used Q-Tip Method. Pulled the Other Wappacross plant because hermie. Had already resin and i keep it in the freezer for later extractions.


Fed them Guano (3spoons on 20L) each given 1 Liter. Overview:
Part 9 - Flower Day 39 Switched some Camera settings and got color-increased footage this time. Looks a bit 'cool' but i think it ok. I hope the buds will get really fat later on. At least they will be sticky 4 sure.

Random Trichome shots

Whole bunch of buds

Fed them some lighter Guano water today 2, still 1L per plant.
so if i got that right, u got flowering females ( non-pollinated and pollinated ) in the same room ? ( without any males in there ofc )

Yes, thats 100% right. I did pull the 3x LD males- totally gone. Was hoping for OB & WW males to generate inbreed line pure strain seeds for my stash. Unfortunatley and may not only fortune and misfortune involved- there where only Hermies on the OB and WW side. Had then 2 wappaXtao genetic seeds in one pot and the real small plant of them both was a pure male.I pulled that one 2 and had the dried plant laying around. After recognizing i wont have any pure seeds i took the dried wappaXtao male and 'ground it up' and found some little usable pollen i a attached from a q-tip to some of the lower branches. I will may plant some of those seeds from the best plants (1. criteria smell/taste 2. criteria look/buds).
U mean the COBs?
sorry been in outerspace.

Yeah the cobs. One little Light throws a really ferocious amount of light. I wonder to my self how many people try and quit cobs because they are challenging. You have to have the rest of your program on point or any flaws will be magnified. These things simply add more energy to the system so everything is magnified.

Theres some interesting stuff going on with COB theories. Should prove to be an interesting summer.
There is a huge park here, where people pay for a ride by horse and carriage.
We go for walks there with the dogs. I am used to be considered strange and eccentric, so I pick up all the shit I want! :funny:

Pick from The Queen's Deer Garden. When Her Majesty and her husband, the prince, want deer for dinner, they send their Hofjægermester there to shoot some. Then prince, now retired from public duties, refuses to be prince consort. He strongly feel he should have the title of King. He is a big pain in the ass for Her Majesty the Queen.

Right, bud!
Yeah i use LOTS of horse manure (2 wheelbarrows per plant) for my big photos and lime for veg, and I get some monsters...find horse manure a bit lacking when it somes to flower, but damn does it work well for vegging plants. Here is my biggest so far...90oz dry DP blueberry....11meter circumference and 2 meter average height.
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You´re amazing!

You're welcome! Happy for everyone i can share the progress.

sorry been in outerspace.

Yeah the cobs. One little Light throws a really ferocious amount of light. I wonder to my self how many people try and quit cobs because they are challenging. You have to have the rest of your program on point or any flaws will be magnified. These things simply add more energy to the system so everything is magnified.

Theres some interesting stuff going on with COB theories. Should prove to be an interesting summer.

Sounds like you already made some experiences...those COBs are another league for themselfes as it seems to me right now.

You´re amazing!

He is! Arent we all?
