Unfortunately "
Moment" no longer support
S8 and now only support s8+ and up, a real pain in the arse I know.
I managed to bid and win the only available S8 "Moment case" in the world! I also paid over the ods for it , as it was as rare as hens teeth and I wasn't not going to get it (sorry other bidder lol)
Sounds a bit far fetched I know but I really did search the web high and low and there aint another one available anywhere for sale! Anyone who knows me, knows when I search/research anything on the internet, I go the whole nine yards and then some!
The Moment S8 case was released as part of their Kickstarter campaign and has since been discontinued, since then they have moved on to only supplying phones cases for the S8+ (iphones too) and up, with these awesome lenses and cases. However my Moment S8 case doesn't fit their flagship "Anamorphic lens" with horizontal flare , for that cinematographic film look when filming on the phone.
So I will buy another phone at some point and get the case for the anamorphic lens, so I can get a professional film look, when I'm filming.
However it is not all bad news as a company called "
Dckina" have a "
threaded case" for a whole array of nice lenses.
I think it is the same case "
Camkix" uses and I think Camkix has just added their logo on the case (see Ebay for the
Camkix case with lenses bundle). the camkix bundle is less than £20
The basic
Dckina case has a
13.2 mm thread and has loads of lenses to choose from and buy.
Then you can get a step up lense
ring adapter to 37 mm which will accept real camera lenses.
Dckina do a case for the
S8 but unfortunately, not a
S9 case (or I would have mentioned it to Tom yesterday)
Here is a link to the
Dckina s8 case -
Here is a link to their
13.2 mm lenses -
Here is a link to the
37 mm adapter kit -
Here is a link to their
37 mm lenses -
Dckina isn't the easiest website to navigate , which is why I added
all the relevant links.
Now here are some universal mobile phone camera lens frames for both
@St. Tom &
@Slater and the they really are beasts!
They are by a company called "
Beastgrip" and they are next level frames and lenses for mobile phones.
You both should really check this company out, if you want to up your camera game on your smart phones.
Beastgrip main shop with the frames up front on the page -
Beastgrip lenses link -
I love that people are using phones for photography with stunning results.
These days it is more like you are buying a camera which just happens to be a phone and a million other useful devices once you have loaded the relevant app!
I'll be sure to come by and check your grow @ slater and come look a you pics!
Have a great day chaps, I won't be around much as I have work to get on with but I will pop in from time to time to see what's crackin!
