SANlight SANlight Q6W test grow

It sure will!:woohoo1:
It will be my first full cookies strain although Fruit cake has animal cookies in it.
Holy crap boy done good! 500 euros is a nice spend at the shop.
You bought a liter , fair go mate, i just checked and that will make 6000 liters.
Yeah sodding corona but at least you won't run out of nutes!
I may have to get a 120mll bottle if I am to keep up with you lmao
I also noticed the kelp spray bottle foliar feeding is a sure fire way to get good growth!
I was using straight seaweed organic fertilizer on the seedlings but just switched to optic foliar overgrow.
I've got all the optic foliar things to make my rev transport wats and attack i mix a batch occasionally also once this virus thing dies down i would more than happily mail you 100 ml of mammoth p I've also got a big tub of rotblock that may come in handy for you way to much for me to ever use anyhow my friend I'm gonna go watch some shite on tv with my Mrs and will catch you tmoz :pass:
I've got all the optic foliar things to make my rev transport wats and attack i mix a batch occasionally also once this virus thing dies down i would more than happily mail you 100 ml of mammoth p I've also got a big tub of rotblock that may come in handy for you way to much for me to ever use anyhow my friend I'm gonna go watch some shite on tv with my Mrs and will catch you tmoz :pass:
That sound great Tom but lord only knows when this craziness will end?
So I want to do my best by Mark & I want to treat my grow like I was in the competition but in a totally fun way.
If that's ok with you, totally easy vibes!
I already know I am up against the best, so I have a lot to live up to!.
I tested the range of Optic Foliar in the forums and it is good stuff.
I just looked up rotblock and it look like good stuff, luckily I have not had bud rot but if it is mycorrhizal does it also feed the plant?
You put your feet up and chill my friend & have yourself a good evening with the missus!
See you the morrow!
some great news today ive received an email from the lovely people at sanlight and there going to be sending me there ver 2 off there super lights so a new journal will be incoming pretty soon there new model is dimmable and as soon as i have the info in hand i will post the specs etc .anyhow pics from today of my super sativa seed cup auto creepers the back girl is on her flush and will be chopped very soon and the back right may go the full 12 weeks as I'm approaching day 75 with them also an odd pic of my dinafem cookie solo cup girl at day 49 and i will post better pics tomoz but look at the spear like buds in the back of the tent
st.toms solo adventure so far
seen as this thread will be getting restarted soon with 2 of there gen 2 series also for you guys over the pond the lights are available now here also here are all the solo cups I've grown i thought it would be fun to post them all from the whole year and here's a few tags @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Vapo @HighnDry @Only1Sky @Nosias @STICKY_RESIN i will also send as a mass tag to you wonderful folks soon as i receive the new panels
dinafem solo cups (1).jpg
dinafem solo cups (2).jpg
dinafem solo cups (3).jpg
fastbud zkittles solo.jpg
fastbuds six shooter.jpg
mephisto fantasimo solo.jpg
zamnesiapurple couscush solo.jpg
seen as this thread will be getting restarted soon with 2 of there gen 2 series also for you guys over the pond the lights are available now here also here are all the solo cups I've grown i thought it would be fun to post them all from the whole year and here's a few tags @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Vapo @HighnDry @Only1Sky @Nosias @STICKY_RESIN i will also send as a mass tag to you wonderful folks soon as i receive the new panels
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OMG Now that is the way to grow my friend from the Land of Brexit (LOB). Side bar great job.

OMG Now that is the way to grow my friend from the Land of Brexit (LOB). Side bar great job.

cracking tune pal great taste I've got this blasting through my 5.1 speakers on my PC i think the walls are shaking a little :bow::pass::d5:
seen as this thread will be getting restarted soon with 2 of there gen 2 series also for you guys over the pond the lights are available now here also here are all the solo cups I've grown i thought it would be fun to post them all from the whole year and here's a few tags @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Vapo @HighnDry @Only1Sky @Nosias @STICKY_RESIN i will also send as a mass tag to you wonderful folks soon as i receive the new panels
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Awesome Tom!!
I can't wait for you to get your new lights!
Wow, what a time you have had, you certainly have grown some beautiful solo cup girls!
Honing skills all the way too and now you have your secret weapon "Emerald Harvest" in your arsenal.
Like you say, it is nice to have lots of different strain for you to choose from, that's one of the beautiful thing about growing in solo cups!
seen as this thread will be getting restarted soon with 2 of there gen 2 series also for you guys over the pond the lights are available now here also here are all the solo cups I've grown i thought it would be fun to post them all from the whole year and here's a few tags @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Vapo @HighnDry @Only1Sky @Nosias @STICKY_RESIN i will also send as a mass tag to you wonderful folks soon as i receive the new panels
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Wow bro.....Solo cups specialist, absolutely amazing work with such a small medium pot, well done!:bighug::pass::bow::bow::bow::bow: