New Grower Round Two - Continuing The Journey

I've got nitrile gloves so i can go and take the finger hash off of the gloves and the scissors together. It's going to be a good time trimming. I am not sure if ill have the sugar leaves some people think ill have, the plant isn't super tall. but i am impressed with the weight its put on in the last 24 hours. it went from having some visible stalk on the main cola to none at all and the buds grew about a cm in width in 24 hours time. Here's an easy way to get rid of that black tar from your hands after trimming: petroleum jelly or another thing that plumbers use a lot called goop hand cleaner (the later doing a better job than the former).
It was either @Son of Hobbes or @FullDuplex who said peanut butter takes it right off...
Close to day 50 (49 and 1/2). I touched a bud and got my hand all sticky. This round is going very well!


the sticky stuff is good,but best kept on the bud.
looking good,nice growing.
definitely best left on the bud, but sometimes you just gotta have the hands on approach just to see how sticky it is :)

Nice they going to swell some more lovely.
Thank you, I have a week and a half maybe two weeks left until chop time. im getting excited more each day
They do put on noticeable weight on the last push are you chopping right on the day? I've yet to have one done on the day it said 10-14 days later but never at 70 days. I made the mistake of chopping one on the date she was not done and after the weight I seen the others gain in that two weeks after I chopped her made me kick myself lol
Not all strains are the same there is fast finishers and in 2 weeks she's going to do a lot of growing.
They do put on noticeable weight on the last push are you chopping right on the day? I've yet to have one done on the day it said 10-14 days later but never at 70 days. I made the mistake of chopping one on the date she was not done and after the weight I seen the others gain in that two weeks after I chopped her made me kick myself lol
Not all strains are the same there is fast finishers and in 2 weeks she's going to do a lot of growing.
No im not chopping right on the date, most likely a week or two after. im looking for mostly cloudy trichomes
Congrats she has plumped up lovely, I know I will be having cheeky nibbles when the time comes
Thank you very much, slow to start with organic but she's picking up the pace to where most others get their plants to at this age. I'm pleased and am hopeful for a zip or more. If I somehow get 1.5oz I think I'll have to celebrate and make some rosin.
Thank you very much, slow to start with organic but she's picking up the pace to where most others get their plants to at this age. I'm pleased and am hopeful for a zip or more. If I somehow get 1.5oz I think I'll have to celebrate and make some rosin.
I have read about that rosin, I am looking more to vape and edibles my lungs arnt the best, though I won't be able to resist smoking some I long term need to look at more healthy routes