Outdoor Robin Hood: Prince of Weeds (2017)

Wow what a selection, best of luck with everything I will be following with great interest. 3 inches of snow here on Monday night how was it your end of the country ?

Hey man, yeah we've just been through a cold snap, coldest weather since mid February over the past week actually. Overnight lows were down to around 1C and highs only around 12C, but it has stabilised a bit again now, highs of around 16C and lows around 7C. The weather will improve dramatically again now in the next week or so as we approach summer. More of that 26C weather we had a few weeks back, please.

We didn't have any snow here this winter, but that was probably due to the lack of rain and the fact that we are in the midst of a drought. Literally praying for some rain in the coming days/weeks. We have maybe had 0.5 inches of rain since 1st February, over past 3 months. And the rain that does fall is just so fucking light that it doesn't amount for anything. Getting a bit worried about this summer as I can't be hand watering these plants each week.

You growing anything outdoors this year dude?
Hey man, yeah we've just been through a cold snap, coldest weather since mid February over the past week actually. Overnight lows were down to around 1C and highs only around 12C, but it has stabilised a bit again now, highs of around 16C and lows around 7C. The weather will improve dramatically again now in the next week or so as we approach summer. More of that 26C weather we had a few weeks back, please.

We didn't have any snow here this winter, but that was probably due to the lack of rain and the fact that we are in the midst of a drought. Literally praying for some rain in the coming days/weeks. We have maybe had 0.5 inches of rain since 1st February, over past 3 months. And the rain that does fall is just so fucking light that it doesn't amount for anything. Getting a bit worried about this summer as I can't be hand watering these plants each week.

You growing anything outdoors this year dude?

All the best for the rain. Have you thought about using those expanding water retention gel things in your soil?
All the best for the rain. Have you thought about using those expanding water retention gel things in your soil?

Yeah, I am using the water retention gel/crystals for my autos as some of them will be in pots off the ground. I'm not going to bother with putting them in the ground though. I have already filled in my holes anyway with compost/manure so doubt I would remove it all again to put in crystals.

We're talking about the UK though. It is bound to rain more at some point between now and July. It surely can't be this dry any longer as it has been borderline drought since last summer. I am concerned that our weather patterns may have changed, possibly due to global warming/climate change. Since the start of 2017, I have only had about 0.5 inches of rain, with April only having 0.2 inches (3 days with rain) so far and it's 29th April. The problem is when it does rain, it is so fucking light that it barely measures anything. We have only had 6 inches of rain since August last year. Less than Los Angeles and Barcelona. My soil is beginning to resemble semi-arid/desert type. You can see in some of my pics just how dry and rocky/dusty the ground is becoming.

I can't be making watering visits in mid July as I am away in Amsterdam for 3 days for my 23rd birthday, and then straight on to Santorini with the gf for 10 days. So that's at least 2 weeks that I won't be able to water. Ideally I need several weeks of solid rain and 5-10 inches of it over the next 2-3 months to replenish the water table and keep things green until I go away.
Oh, I see. Never mind.

I'm sure most weather patterns everywhere in the world have changed.
Anthropogenic climate change. It's real. It's here.

Hope you get your nice soaking downfall.
Me, I'm afraid of too much rain around here.

Enjoy your birthday and holiday!!
Ha, after my previous comment... right on cue... we get a downpour this afternoon and quite a bit of a soaking. Easily the most rainfall we have had in the past 2-3 months, but not overly heavy. About 3 hours of light/moderate rain. It was nice being out in it though, at my plot, doing some work, in a t-shirt with the rain landing on my arms. It's the first time I have been out in rain or felt it, in about 3 months now. So it felt nice.

And it's just as well that it has rained, seeing as I am planting the photoperiods in the ground tomorrow. Could do with a load more now though, ideally a few weeks of rain in May/June to top up the water table. Anyway, update coming tomorrow once they are in the ground... my autos are about to start rolling out as well... :smoking:
Ha, after my previous comment... right on cue... we get a downpour this afternoon and quite a bit of a soaking. Easily the most rainfall we have had in the past 2-3 months, but not overly heavy. About 3 hours of light/moderate rain. It was nice being out in it though, at my plot, doing some work, in a t-shirt with the rain landing on my arms. It's the first time I have been out in rain or felt it, in about 3 months now. So it felt nice.

And it's just as well that it has rained, seeing as I am planting the photoperiods in the ground tomorrow. Could do with a load more now though, ideally a few weeks of rain in May/June to top up the water table. Anyway, update coming tomorrow once they are in the ground... my autos are about to start rolling out as well... :smoking:

That's great news, Robin of Loxley!
I think all outdoor growers get anxious about the weather, hahaha!!!!
But really, that's just perfect timing. Good soak, but not a flood.
And just before you're going to plant out.
The greenhouse is getting crowded... (28/04/2017)





And here are the Dinafem photoperiods...

Strawberry Amnesia




Purple Afghan Kush




This Critical+ 2.0 isn't looking too healthy... genetic issue going on here... but I have another on site, which I forgot to take a picture of...

Early Amnesia CBD's...

Here are a few pics of my Dinafem seed hacks. They have been in the ground for a few weeks now... (30/04/2017)



Unfortunately the weather has deteriorated again just in time for the day of plant out and the days following plant out. We have had cool, overcast weather with scattered showers, and the most rain in months. Maybe around 0.5 - 1 inches of rain over the past 3 days, which is as much as we got in both March and April combined. High temperatures have been around 12-13C, which is a few degrees below average for this time of year, but lows have been hovering around 10C which is still nice and mild for overnight temps in early May. Highs of 18C are forecast in the coming days though so I'm not really bothered. The plants will be fine...

And now for the Sweet Seeds photoperiods... (01/05/2017)

Green Poison FV



Indigo Berry Kush & San Fernando Lemon Kush


Killer Kush FV's


Jack 47 FV


Green Poison FV

Killer Kush FV


Jack 47 FV & Killer Kush FV

Spooky things being caught on camera here...

That's all for now folks... :thumbsup: