Outdoor Robin Hood: Prince of Weeds (2017)

Quick update... everything is growing nicely considering it is still only April, and everything has been exclusively propagated outdoors...

Dinafem and Sweet Seeds photoperiods (group shot) 2-4 weeks old from seed...


Inside the greenhouse...

Sweet Seeds photoperiods...

San Fernando Lemon Kush (4 weeks)

Indigo Berry Kush (4 weeks)

Green Poison FV (4 weeks)

Killer Kush FV (4 weeks)

Jack 47 FV (4 weeks)

Strawberry Amnesia (4 weeks)


Purple Afghan Kush (4 weeks)

Critical+ 2.0 (3 weeks)

Early Amnesia CBD (2 weeks)

Dinafem photoperiods...
Nice start man!! Looking good! What a sweet sounding lineup you have!!

Cheers dude. Yeah, quite varied this year... got some Real Gorilla Seeds photoperiods for the next update as well, to make up for the impending culling. That scraggly, deformed Critical+ 2.0 is getting culled rather than have me waste a hole and soil on her haha.

And after 2 months of above average temperates here, things are getting cold again this week. We have a low of 2C forecast for tomorrow night and highs only around 11-12C. It will be the coldest day since mid February, but we should just avoid a frost, fingers crossed. Plants should handle it like a piece of piss though as they are quite hardy. I have seen northern UK growers have plants out in -5C, inside a small plastic grow house, and come away with no damage. I have had plants myself survive -3C outdoors in February last year with no protection.

The coldest they have had to deal with so far over the past 3 weeks is about +4C, although it was probably a few degrees warmer than that inside the grow house. They have also taken 50C (122F) easy back when it was 26C here in early April on a clear sunny day. I went to the plot and opened the flap late in the afternoon and it was like peering into an oven. Absolutely baking. Might have been as high as 60C in there for an hour or two. Plants didn't seem to mind too much though haha.

Going to start getting the bigger ones in the ground this weekend once the cool spell has passed :thumbsup:

ATB dude
Things are looking good so far for you. Just keep them pesky deer away.

Oh I will mate, don't you worry. Not taking any chances this year! Lost enough plants to those 4 legged furry, tick infested cunts last year. Haha.
Wow what a selection, best of luck with everything I will be following with great interest. 3 inches of snow here on Monday night how was it your end of the country ?