Live Stoners Rifleman vs kushNFT Shortstuff Auto Jedi Kush grow off


Not sure if I'm a day behind or just the time difference across the pond but hopefully it's still all to play for:smoking:
Welcome guys.....hope it's only going to get more exciting as these little ladies spread their wings and fly:thumbsup:

I'm still concerned about the distance between my 600W HPS and this plant and really need a res change so might try and gain a few inches under the res when it's empty tomorrow. Still, she seems to be increasing her footprint steadily so if it's photons she wants I'll try to direct as many as I can in her direction, get the nutrient solution in good shape and let NFT do it's thing:smoking:

Did my favourite numbers on a res change yesterday.....


.....555.....if in doubt go flat out:rofl:


Got her lifted up a bit too but judging by the lower leaves it was too long with the pH over 5.8....


Day 18 above ground. Water level is dropping as are pH and ppm. Water change tomorrow, first time since this run started. I'll be going from 15ml AN to 30ml (recommended by AN, but more than I normally run even in bloom) on one of the two. The other will get somewhere in between.

Both showed sex yesterday evening, day 17, and are now at 6.5inches/17cm. Take a look. :pass:

Looking in fine shape there @Rifleman. I'm thinking I might be starting leaf tucking in a day or two so I can get the side branches clear of fan planning on doing anything to shape them?

Has the little side shoot gone now?

I hadn't given any thought to training. I usually don't, hence the Lazy Grower moniker. :eyebrows: I might do a little ponytailing. Depends on the way they look and how I feel.

I snipped the extra sprout a few days ago. I have a number I have to stay below and the extra little girls were putting me in dangerous territory. :shrug:
Water change this morning. Day 19 above ground. Both are right at 6.5 inches or 17cm.

JK1 began a 30ml/15L diet while JK2 is only getting 24ml/15L. PPM going in were 939 and 816 respectively. pH is 6.2 and 6.3 I know all the dwc people are going to say that is too high, and I agree. It is however where pH lands when I use AN pH Perfect and it appears to work. Yes my pH pen is calibrated, 3-1-17 with blue lab solutions. Chelation goes a long way. :lol:

I have been keeping nearly daily pH and ppm readings for about the last two weeks if anyone is interested. Looking at it as a whole you see pH slowly drop from the 7.4 and 650ppm range down to the 6.5 and 450ppm of this morning. Mostly a bunch of boring numbers and data tracking that don't mean a lot unless you are tending the plants. On a side note, reservoir temps are ranging from 74 to 81°F :sadcry: It is what it is, no help unless Winter returns.

I expect the stretch to begin within the next ten days. I have no experience with Short Stuff Auto Jedi Kush, but other autos I've grown seem to take off between days 21 and 28. I don't expect these to be different.

Questions, comments, criticisms? Don't be shy. :shooty:
