Live Stoners Rifleman vs kushNFT Shortstuff Auto Jedi Kush grow off

It wouldn't take much. I've already got pumps, timers, etc running out my ears.

Maybe fitting all these roots into a 20 litre pot is a pretty neat trick after all.....


Then I switched the pump off.....seems quieter already even although I have 2 other NFT systems and an aeroponics system on the go as the air hose I was using on the pump in the Auto Jedi Kush res makes the pump run rougher than it does when just pumping nutrient solution. Could do with investigating quieter methods of aerating the nutrient solution I think.


The pot of soil at the back is also a 20 litre pot but I don't think I'll ever fit a root mass like that into it!:smoking:

PS. see attached for new toys I got to play with as a mate can't fit them in his cupboard:eyebrows:



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Time to tuck in now:smoking:



Trim job isn't the neatest as it was a bit of a rush job. A mate's Mrs volunteered as she doesn't get to help trim his crops so it was the usual drill of me pulling leaves and a friend doing the scissor work.

And now my mate has his very own Auto Jedi Kush (and an Auto Gorilla OG and Green Poison Auto as he likes the red ones I grew but doesn't like purple strains.:rofl:) in his aeroponics/HPS setup and has ditched the AN nutes and photoperiods for what I'm using. Took him an old pH pen, some IONIC hydro grow and some pH down and helped him with the initial res setup so here's hoping he gets more than 11oz this run.:d5:

welcome back @KushNFT man. nice wee haul you got you there eh ya jammy sod. some braw lookin buds aswell. should be flashing my first rootshot in 10 days or so i reckon. im like a wee bairn at xmas again. thanks for all the help man wouldntve done it without u : ):slap:
welcome back @KushNFT man. nice wee haul you got you there eh ya jammy sod. some braw lookin buds aswell. should be flashing my first rootshot in 10 days or so i reckon. im like a wee bairn at xmas again. thanks for all the help man wouldntve done it without u : ):slap:

Cheers bud. Not normally so busy and hoping I get some time for hobbies back ASAP......births, friends with terminal cancer, gas explosions, mum falling......just life and stuff.:note::pass:

Bike is in dire need of a severe kick-in I reckon:haha::smoking:
Cheers bud. Not normally so busy and hoping I get some time for hobbies back ASAP......births, friends with terminal cancer, gas explosions, mum falling......just life and stuff.:note::pass:

Bike is in dire need of a severe kick-in I reckon:haha::smoking:
sorry to hear that mate, never a dull moment eh. as long as your coping with it though, thats the main thing. i havent had my yearly month of fiascos yet so itll not be long for me. still dont speak to most of my family after last years lol.
sorry to hear that mate, never a dull moment eh. as long as your coping with it though, thats the main thing. i havent had my yearly month of fiascos yet so itll not be long for me. still dont speak to most of my family after last years lol.

Things seem to have calmed down a bit and I ended up with most a day off yesterday. Should really have been catching up on res changes and journals but instead I grabbed a handful of Auto Jedi Kush and went on a jolly.....




Was thinking about going to the beach but I've seen how much my big dog loves the fresh water in Glencoe (that's the River Etive) so I took the little one up for his first taste and just sat by the river chilling and watching the dogs play.


:smoking: :pass:
Things seem to have calmed down a bit and I ended up with most a day off yesterday. Should really have been catching up on res changes and journals but instead I grabbed a handful of Auto Jedi Kush and went on a jolly.....

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Was thinking about going to the beach but I've seen how much my big dog loves the fresh water in Glencoe (that's the River Etive) so I took the little one up for his first taste and just sat by the river chilling and watching the dogs play.

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:smoking: :pass:
see thats the life mate. wee banger an a jaunt up a hill. canny beat it like. its usually arthurs seat in edinburgh when i get the craving. usually take a bottle of bucky up aswell. im convinced everything gives you a better dunt at high altutude. makes the roll back down a bit more interesting aswell. youve gotta grab the peacefull times whenever you can mate there few and far between these days. nothin like a wee bit quiet time to sooth the soul eh
here man:pass:its council pollen again so feel free to turn your nose up lol
see thats the life mate. wee banger an a jaunt up a hill. canny beat it like. its usually arthurs seat in edinburgh when i get the craving. usually take a bottle of bucky up aswell. im convinced everything gives you a better dunt at high altutude. makes the roll back down a bit more interesting aswell. youve gotta grab the peacefull times whenever you can mate there few and far between these days. nothin like a wee bit quiet time to sooth the soul eh
here man:pass:its council pollen again so feel free to turn your nose up lol

Been a while since I had any council pollen....always preferred the light yellow pollen you just squeeze between your fingers and it explodes into dust over brown stuff that needed heat to fluff it up and soften it. Usually good for a wee half hour head high.

This Auto Jedi Kush seems to get me in the head, settle down and then get me in the body. Dunno what Sykwalker Kush my mates have been smoking in the Dam and didn't rate but it wasn't this stuff as it's anything but subtle and I'm having a good time with it:smoking: What do part-time stoners know anway:rofl:
to be fair mate most people i know dont really rate the dam weed anymore. even the "connisours" i know go for the blacks n stuff. i cant go to find out cos i wouldnt trust myself drunk around the red lights lol. got a few grams of lemon something last night. not sure what it is cos ive got a cold and cant smell but it had me bouncin about singin with the guitar for 2 hours after a doob so am gonna try find out what it was. dont get that very often round here, its very much a couch lockers market these days. does my head in like. cheese, blue cheese, exodus cheese, cheesy dick, bb cheese. basically cheese or fuck all lol. setting up another grow at my mates in a few weeks though so ill be enlightening the masses shortly : )
My grow room has been a Cheese free zone since I started lol. Or at least I think it has!

Auto Green Crack might be up your street...that's one of the reasons I've been so busy as mechanical sympathy went out the window on it and I've still got skinned knuckles and oily fingernails to show for it. That seems like a more fun Skunk descendant than Cheese and is even more intoxicating.