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And now here is a mutant daisy I found in my has about fifty stems rolled into almost like a pea pod.............
i just peeked in on your journal -- are you running the greek regimen or just the sample box? looks fantastic!! did it seem like the nectar line made you plant 'age slower'?
When I finish this up an take a look I will try to go back and be more specific. But it is basically the mid line with some additions both inside their lineup and outside. I think that their whole program is pretty spiffy. I will be looking at alternatives and additions as time goes by. I hear a good deal said about so many bottles, the cost, and buying water. In some cases I am sure that is true but in this particular case I think we are dealing with some pretty delicate Organic chemistry that takes some work to stablize by itself. It seems to want to fall out of suspension after a couple of hours. I mix Fert and flood it in over a 4-6 hour period and in the end I find percipitate in the bottom of the jug. I just pour it in. The can will eat it.


don't say that too loud everyone will freak. You should be feeding some nitrogen into the system until the bitter end of the grow. It is one of the building blocks that will be used to make your flowers picture pretty.

And keep in mind that some of these items get used for a small period of the grow but provide a solid source of nutrients to that stage of production.

Skun Labs SI
Madusa Roman regimen minus the wetting agents and seaweed.
Sugar water concentrate I make at home with a super secret recipe ( tap water and table sugar)

And on a few test plants I have added 1.5 to 1.9 grams of hula Bloom to suppliment the P and K values in the second half of flower. I like what I see and cannot taste any difference and the flowers look fabulous so it's in.
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