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Several years ago I was sitting in a bar . A man approached me and asked if I was a cop . I said no and then he said would I mind if he told his girl friend that I was ( she apparently had sum issues with the law ) . I said he could do what he wants . Wrong answer !! The manager overheard the conversation called the police and I was escorted of the premises for impersonating an officer . True Story . :thumbsup:
Wow really? What's the bet he wasn't a stoner! God some people need to loosen up a little, have a laugh! I wonder why he wanted you to be a cop though? Strange

Going on 3 years of hard use so far....the whip is simply toking off the hose. I prefer to use giant bags instead. It takes 4 minutes on high to fill a bag, and i can toke a bag in 2-3 pulls....really a great way to get a solid shot to the brain! Check out reviews on the Extreme Q...really an exceptional unit!! Oh yes...there is an Extreme Q thread in the vape section here.
Also get free honey oil as a vape by product!! Woohoo!
Ahh copy that! I was imagining some tube the vape goes in then you have to literally whip it or something hahaha don't mind me I'm clueless :crying: going to check out that thread now man
howdy peeps :pass:
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