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best thing you'll do bro... it works and its delicious

Yeah I have quit 3 times over the last few years with them, the last time I was able to even get off the ecig for about 9 months. And yeah some of the flavors are sooo tasty, way better than combusted tobacco with a bunch of chems on it
Good Karma on the quitting.. I am at 55 days no ciggys!!! Woot woot.. I smoke twice as much pot now tho!!!
Congrats man! Keep up the good work, noticed your smell/taste coming back yet?
I absolutely HAVE to quit real soon, again lol I just cannot afford 6 bucks a day on something that is killin me. I hate them so much. In fact I think I am going to order my ecig setup right meow. That is the only way to do it for me is the e cigs, I can taper down over time with those. And when I spend the 150 bucks or so to get the setup I am like I am going to use it lol
Have you done the e-cig thing before? This is my first night of trying it and it's going really good! At this rate I reckon i can quit within the next month or two easily
had a fuze blow and send me across the warehouse once jebus!!!! whattta a rush .. industrial strength lmao

Hahaha, I saw a dude in prison get launched about 4 feet straight back trying to hook up a tattoo gun to a 220 line and he was barefoot and literally standing on a steel bunk that was bolted to the floor. I thought he was dead, it was crazzzzzy
Mang, im waiting on seeds to pop!!! Hate the wait...
Congrats man! Keep up the good work, noticed your smell/taste coming back yet?

Have you done the e-cig thing before? This is my first night of trying it and it's going really good! At this rate I reckon i can quit within the next month or two easily

Yep I have used them several times and it totally works, I was able to ween down after about 3 months or so, one thing to do also is play with the PG/VG mix of your juice to get the optimal vape for yourself. Basically you want it to be more pleasurable than a cigarette, so your brain is like oh I want the tasty fruity cookie lemon berry flavor versus burnt ass hair lol
Hahaha, I saw a dude in prison get launched about 4 feet straight back trying to hook up a tattoo gun to a 220 line and he was barefoot and literally standing on a steel bunk that was bolted to the floor. I thought he was dead, it was crazzzzzy
Once you get up around 480 or higher you only get to f*** up once
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