oft that things mad. glad we dont have any pests like that round my way. get a lot of mice when the fields get harvested but thats about as dangerous as it gets through here. scotland really is a pretty mediocre, perfectly unexciting place to live like. no bears, no big wild dogs or cats, no whatever the fuck that weird otter looking thing was. summers shit and wet and too cold to get a suntan, winters shit and wet to warm to get snow. apart from hurricane bawbag a few years back weve never really had any weather worth mentioning anywhere.dont have any lizards, theres a few snakes but i dont know anyone thats ever seen one. even the english have like 8 species of spider that can hospitalise you... how many have we got?.... yup thats right, fuck all. why? cos it too shit wet and cold. fuck this am moving to the states lol.