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Well bear, in my case it's easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission. My wife wouldn't even let me grow indoors but I knew if she saw the end result she would change her mind. My first grow was done totally in secret. She was a little upset when I finally brought the plants upstairs to show her but she was more impressed than upset. Now she constantly wants to know if I have anything ready for her to trim lol.

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But isn't it hard on the knees . Bursitis and all that pain . :rofl:
its great fun eh lol. couldnt be doing without it though. was brought up oldskool. men work women clean kinda thing so gotta make sure my lady of leisure has enough £ to keep her dress wardrobe full lol.
It does keep the lady folk happy lol. Better I be at work than at home making a mess.
Last night she sees a commercial for probiotics and says "maybe I need to get those" I'm like Omg
Honestly...if she's gonna do probiotics, tell her to get them from a natural; kefir, kambucha, naturally fermented veggies...stuff like that. Those pills they advertise on tv won't survive the trip through your gut, to do the job they were hired for.:haha:
Day 92 I might just be going for a record here . :rofl:

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