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Whatsup stonerS?

I missed yall a bit. I been too busy getting my old ass kicked back into shape again. I been eating ibuprofen like candy for two weeks. It's finally getting better. My plants are all happy! Life is good.
she needs calcium. as far as I know, without mixing your own, general organics was the only source of calmag without N. to make matters worse, they were bought by monsanto I've heard. (say it aint so !) They have changed the formulation, so grab all the old bottles while they are still out there.

Here ya go Amazon product ASIN B00MWE22ZS No N
The roots have taken over the small root space. I'm afraid if I pull it out and set it back in I'll damage the roots too much. Plus no where to set the root mass safely after I pull grow bucket out

Gotcha, can you take the whole thing out then siphon it out somehow. Here is the thing it is really important to realize, since you use city tap water it is going to build up with salt. You will continue to have problems, virtually no matter what you do, with deficiencies and such. So I would say its pretty important to try and get a rinse somehow
Y'all must be getting a different Earth Juice cal/mag than what I've always seen, or they may have changed it. Has always been "zero nitrogen formula" when I've used it.

Gotcha, can you take the whole thing out then siphon it out somehow. Here is the thing it is really important to realize, since you use city tap water it is going to build up with salt. You will continue to have problems, virtually no matter what you do, with deficiencies and such. So I would say its pretty important to try and get a rinse somehow
Should I rinse my soils as well?
Gotcha, can you take the whole thing out then siphon it out somehow. Here is the thing it is really important to realize, since you use city tap water it is going to build up with salt. You will continue to have problems, virtually no matter what you do, with deficiencies and such. So I would say its pretty important to try and get a rinse somehow
I just buy distilled from the store 72 cents a gallon..
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