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Auto pots! Made my own 23 gallon res it will keep 4 pots with big plants in them going for 2 weeks even in flower! Organic soil and auto pots were made for each other!

I need to get some blumats I think lol. I hate watering soil plants, it is a pain in the arse lol I would try this if someone had made it just to see what it's like. Dunno that I'd want to waste a watermelon of mine to try it out, though.

What do you think, munchie masters? Yea or nay for this snack?

Gooooood morning AFN!!!!!

I will definitely try this the next we have watermelon.

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I think it would be good! Reminds me of the little mango or pineapple candies I used to get at the Mexican market when I was a kid. They were covered in cumin, and chile powder...or sometimes cayenne. If you're into those types of flavors and what would be worth a go.
Are you talking about those tamarind candies? I've tried those but just can't like them, if you're talking about something different then I need to try them.

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Are you talking about those tamarind candies? I've tried those but just can't like them, if you're talking about something different then I need to try them.
There were a bunch of them. My favorite was mango, covered in chile powder. I haven't had them in probably 10 years or more.
Step how's life treatin ya? Is it startin to warm up in your part of the world and are you getting ready to or have you already planted some outdoor monsters?
It's starting to warm up but it just won't stop raining. I'm on the fence about any outdoor this year.. might do a few autos but not planning on any monsters in the backyard this year.. the wife wants to move and I don't want to get with my pants down..
I found .
4 Sleestack skunk ( reg )
2 Afghani ( reg )
2 delicious critical super silver haze ( fem )
in my stash . I haven't a clue where they came from . Anybody grown them before ??
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