Not open for further replies. I would try this if someone had made it just to see what it's like. Dunno that I'd want to waste a watermelon of mine to try it out, though.

What do you think, munchie masters? Yea or nay for this snack?

Gooooood morning AFN!!!!!

I'd probably try it.. back when I still drank that melon wouldn't get cut. Just a hole big enough to put the end of an ever clear bottle into
Link 2 and 3 in my signature lol. I update more here lol. I'll tag you in a min. At work on phone.
obviously employee of the month aswell then lol. its rediculous the amount of time i spend on here at work. sometimes its like 5 hours a day. its a hard life lol.
I think it would be good! Reminds me of the little mango or pineapple candies I used to get at the Mexican market when I was a kid. They were covered in cumin, and chile powder...or sometimes cayenne. If you're into those types of flavors and what would be worth a go.
Now I want an angry Mayan donut. Big fluffy donut. Cayenne spiced cocoa glaze. Spicy sweet deliciousness
obviously employee of the month aswell then lol. its rediculous the amount of time i spend on here at work. sometimes its like 5 hours a day. its a hard life lol.
I work 10-12 hours a day 6 days a week.
And need my AFN time. So work has to pay me for that haha. I still get stuff done. When we get buried in a few weeks I'll be in much less I'm sure.
obviously employee of the month aswell then lol. its rediculous the amount of time i spend on here at work. sometimes its like 5 hours a day. its a hard life lol.
:crying: same here.. if I'm not on AFN during the week it's cuz I'm passed out. If it's really dead I turn the heat on and it puts me out instantly
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