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I only have about 1/3 or 1/2 a joint a night just before bedtime.. and so far all those street weeds get me pretty plastered, so can only imagine some quality grown canna...

I took some tops early and it was kickass. The last plant and the popcorn of the first went longer. It has been a hell of a ride getting used to it when I smoke it most of the day and night between a couple of few hour long power naps.I get 6-8 hours sleep a day. Just not all at once. That is why I have the bad habit of just dropping from the discussions without a good night or what ever. I'll just doze off in this chair and lose 3 hours.
@Castle Grown, a strong commitment indeed. I don't really know how they will perform for me as I have yet to complete a grow, heck I have only had them for a week or so! I have some "blackstar" clones and have never been convinced of their efficacy and thought I could not afford the high priced units that I saw folks having success with. I invested in the HID as I knew I could get decent grows with them. These COBs man, they are a different ballgame, especially with @BigSm0 and his AutCobs. The single, self contained pendant is brilliant in more ways then just light! Affordable and modular I can add lights as I can afford and the ability to adjust individually cannot be understated.That doesn't even touch on heat, energy consumption, and longevity. IOW... I am a fan!!
I'd love to have my 600w HPS in the middle of the room and have about a half dozen of those AutoCobs ringing the exterior of the room.. That way, I could realistically grow in a 5ft x 7ft area w/ NO problem!! I'd probably sell off my other stuff just to get a couple anyway, as I have a DIY Mars II-to-COB conversion and it's damn near as bright as the 600w HPS at only 200w!!!



Witch Doctor
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I'd love to have my 600w HPS in the middle of the room and have about a half dozen of those AutoCobs ringing the exterior of the room.. That way, I could realistically grow in a 5ft x 7ft area w/ NO problem!! I'd probably sell off my other stuff just to get a couple anyway, as I have a DIY Mars II-to-COB conversion and it's damn near as bright as the 600w HPS at only 200w!!!
That's one of the things I envisioned when I spend hours and even days building them. The mind tends to wander a bit. Cobs surrounding hps is definitely one. Even slammed between a mars or amazon light. With the red and blue the benefit is so much higher when supplementing with cobs as your adding the colors/spectrum needed for healthy plant growth. Budget grows can benefit as they most likely already have a light and adding 1-2 of these is inexpensive but makes such a noticeable difference immediately. I personally think all cobs is best but adding them to an existing grow is nearly as good.
It's pouring rain. My dumb ass job expects me to make my equipment water proof and assumes I can walk through rain with out getting touched.
I mean I get it. Shit has to get done. But even a chicken smart enough to get out the damn rain.
I'd love to have my 600w HPS in the middle of the room and have about a half dozen of those AutoCobs ringing the exterior of the room.. That way, I could realistically grow in a 5ft x 7ft area w/ NO problem!! I'd probably sell off my other stuff just to get a couple anyway, as I have a DIY Mars II-to-COB conversion and it's damn near as bright as the 600w HPS at only 200w!!!

I just rearranged my 8x4 tent. 4 autocobs on one side, a 600w hps and 315w cmh on the other side (crammed LOL)
Will 220 watts of autocob outperform 915 watts of hid? Now that would be tits if it does! Less than 1/4 watts on the cob side

I agree with BigSm0, all cobs is the way to go :headbang:
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