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Gooooood morning AFN!!!!

Did someone say Devil Cream? Just started a couple myself. Noticing this morning that this little fella' sure wants to hold on to it's shell. :smoking:

Couple random shots of spring from around the neighborhood....

That's one of the things I envisioned when I spend hours and even days building them. The mind tends to wander a bit. Cobs surrounding hps is definitely one. Even slammed between a mars or amazon light. With the red and blue the benefit is so much higher when supplementing with cobs as your adding the colors/spectrum needed for healthy plant growth. Budget grows can benefit as they most likely already have a light and adding 1-2 of these is inexpensive but makes such a noticeable difference immediately. I personally think all cobs is best but adding them to an existing grow is nearly as good.
I am still running 4, 4ft t5s, one in each corner. Think I still need them? I am not sure, I should get one of those light meter apps, any advice on that, I have an iPhone 7.
Gooooood morning AFN!!!!

Did someone say Devil Cream? Just started a couple myself. Noticing this morning that this little fella' sure wants to hold on to it's shell. :smoking:
View attachment 744158

Couple random shots of spring from around the neighborhood....
View attachment 744156
View attachment 744157

Ooooh pretty.

I wish I could put up pics of the gardens I work for, but I can't have people ID'ing me. I'll post y'all some killer flowers from time to time though. I friggin love my new job, but I'm taking recommendations for sunscreen companies to invest in.

this little beauty is at home.

It's pouring rain. My dumb ass job expects me to make my equipment water proof and assumes I can walk through rain with out getting touched.
I mean I get it. Shit has to get done. But even a chicken smart enough to get out the damn rain.
Luckily skin is waterproof. :cheers:
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