New Grower REDO - IN AT THE DEEP END !! - DWC/LED/Remo Nutrients: Fruit Punch Auto/Cheese Auto

Well, things got interesting :grrr2:

The ladies developed Calmag issues over the last few days and the rez was screwing me around with regards to pH and ppm.
Turns out my circulating pipes had got blocked with goop, so the ladies had eaten all of the nutrients in their containers, but hadn't gotten it replaced by the nutes in the rez :face:.
All they were getting was gravity-fed when they were drinking, with zero circulation going.

In the bottom of my cupboard where I keep everything was sitting a nice, fresh, unopened bottle of Ata-clean that I had forgotten ALL about, and so hadn't been using it.

I have no option at this point but to send myself off early to bed in shame :redcard:

Did a full rez change (with Ata-Clean this time) and will let it circulate for an hour or so and check the pH/ppm
Hopefully, no lasting harm done to the ladies (especially at this stage of the game)
Whewwwwww tough call but the right one. Off to bed !!!!!!!!!!!

Getting impatient now, and am already planning my next grow.
3 plants of the same strain.
One with LST only.
One Topped and with LST.
One FIMmed and with LST.

The impatience will not lead me to harvesting early though. Not THAT impatient ;)
No bud is taken before its time! If I could live up to it myself.

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Getting impatient now, and am already planning my next grow.
3 plants of the same strain.
One with LST only.
One Topped and with LST.
One FIMmed and with LST.

The impatience will not lead me to harvesting early though. Not THAT impatient ;)
Same here planning, going with 4. As soon as my COB gets here, i will pull my 50w UFO Kingbo out to use for seedlings. Been holding off germinating next group till the COB finally arrives (tomorrow).
Next group are all 49 - 60 day strains, supposedly. Shorter time table anyway.

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Same here planning, going with 4. As soon as my COB gets here, i will pull my 50w UFO Kingbo out to use for seedlings. Been holding off germinating next group till the COB finally arrives (tomorrow).
Next group are all 49 - 60 day strains, supposedly. Shorter time table anyway.

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I am only going with three plants due to my seed vendor sending me 3 seeds from each of 3 strains as recompense for telling me they had sent a Photo rather than an auto.
I don't want to mix the strains in my RDWC system since its only my second grow and I want to make it as simple as possible.
I am only going with three plants due to my seed vendor sending me 3 seeds from each of 3 strains as recompense for telling me they had sent a Photo rather than an auto.
I don't want to mix the strains in my RDWC system since its only my second grow and I want to make it as simple as possible.
I can understand that logic. I have 3 strains going now. Next all will be different. Crap, its a pain typing in these latex gloves. I have been trimming.

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I am only going with three plants due to my seed vendor sending me 3 seeds from each of 3 strains as recompense for telling me they had sent a Photo rather than an auto.
I don't want to mix the strains in my RDWC system since its only my second grow and I want to make it as simple as possible.
For simple, the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) generally works for me ( except for when Canna Oil complicates things)

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I can understand that logic. I have 3 strains going now. Next all will be different. Crap, its a pain typing in these latex gloves. I have been trimming.

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Just be careful not to rip the lettering off your keys with those sticky fingers
DAY 73

All is now running nice and smoothly.

pH: 6.1
ppm: 827
Humidity: 55%
Temp: 25C/20C (day/night)
Water temp 17.6C

The plant that went into flower first still shows no sign of being ready. All crystals still clear (well, maybe a few % cloudy). No sign of the plant starting to eat its own leaves yet either. (breeder states 80 days)
The second plant has finished her stretch and the buds are starting to fill out now. I have NO idea how long this pheno is going to need to run...