So I've been thinking of moving to Oregon and reading up on the regulations a bit. The part that's getting under my skin a bit is that from everything I've read even if you grow it yourself you are not allowed to posses more than eight ounces of usable (ie...ready to smoke) MJ on your property. While part of me can understand such a limit, I certainly don't have a real NEED to have that much around for just me and my brother at any given time, I still think that if you grow it you should be able to keep it. Growing for me is only maybe fifty percent about supplying myself, with the hobby aspect of it being the other half of why I do it. As a hobby, it's easy to want to grow a couple plants at once to compare different nutes or to try different techniques to maximize yield for one plant and from what I've seen in my short time growing getting more than eight ounces from a two plant grow or maybe even from a really good one plant grow would not be all that difficult. Having to just destroy or get rid of anything over eight seems a bit silly to me. Anyhow.... /rant off :smoking: