NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

It's silly that areas that voted against it are allowed to disallow stores in their area. But you can make your own, grow your own or eventually go to a store in areas that will allow sales when stores open in about a year. Did you know that there are still areas in Oregon that don't allow alcohol? Whether I agree with all of this nonsense is beside the point. Oregon has voted to legalize sales and are taking a slower and more measured response than Colorado and Washington. In the end I hope and expect that Oregon's model will work better than either of those states. Our taxes have been changed by the legislature anf will no longer be at a grower or wholesale level and will be capped at 20%, 17% for the State and allows for an additional 3% for local taxation. That alone will make the taxation really fair anc so much better than Washington where the consumer is raped. I have been waiting for legalization since 1970. What we have now is so much better than what has been. Be happy and be patient. And grow your own and make your own edibles if you must have them. You won't get arrested and go to jail...which is indeed a very good thing.
I have been waiting for legalization since 1970. What we have now is so much better than what has been. Be happy and be patient. And grow your own and make your own edibles if you must have them. You won't get arrested and go to jail...which is indeed a very good thing.
Amen, Brother! While some counties and cities have opted out of allowing mj businesses, even there growing is legal at least on a personal level. I'm impressed that locally, law makers are trying to avoid any pit falls to the new laws.
I do find it odd that medical growers can extract concentrates, but not recreational growers. Of course, there have been more cases this year of folks blowing themselves up using unsafe techniques for BHO....
They are still working on rules and regulations, tracking, standards, testing, etc. There is a lot more info needed for consumer safety on oils and edibles. Slow and steady is how the turtle won the race.

So I know for sure that dispensarys can sell come october (which is the tenth month when octo means 8?). Anyways I heard that only sales of buds and plants will be made available to recreational users, not any concentrates or oils. No bud beers or candy, fudge bars or soda. To me it seems they don't want anyone to make money or enjoy life. I know some of those things are risky to children but that's what supervision is for. Any thoughts fellas?
They are still working on rules and regulations, tracking, standards, testing, etc. There is a lot more info needed for consumer safety on oils and edibles. Slow and steady is how the turtle won the race.
:thumbsup: One of the highlights for me at the THC fair in Redmond was having access now to testing labs without fear of handcuffs:biggrin:
I am very glad to not be criminalized. Growing up I was always scared of getting caught, especially with my outdoor grows. I can't wait to try something like Dixie elixer num nums for fun. I never have enough buds myself to cook anything good with em, but I have been saving leaf and stem in case I ever want to do something... I hope the flag of freedom continues to wave and governments across the world accept positive change.
Counties that exclude sales will miss out big on jobs and tax revenue. Once they see the money roll in I'm willing to bet about half will cave in. The others can suffer for it while the money leaves their county for the neighboring one.
That's what I'm thinking, too:thumbsup:
How about Fourth Corner Credit Union suing the feds for not allowing it to offer financial services to canna businesses? Now that takes some huge cajones!!
Let's hope that legal battle helps our Fed to change its drug schedule status, but honestly if they were gonna change it they would have already.