NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

Ya I overdid it a little on amount of plants to grow even though they are Non-intoxicating hemp. Harvested a little over the legal amount as well but I'm gonna process some of it soon. If I grew some monsters I could easily have too much bud off a few plants.

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Ya I overdid it a little on amount of plants to grow even though they are Non-intoxicating hemp. Harvested a little over the legal amount as well but I'm gonna process some of it soon. If I grew some monsters I could easily have too much bud off a few plants.
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View attachment 495719

I also plan to do a little more than 6 at a time. I was going to go with 2 photo plants but I live in town. The neighbors are cool with it. This is what got me into auto flowers. This way I can start 6 at the end of April or beginning of may and then pull those around July and throw out 6 more and get 2 harvests. This is medicine for personal use so if I can get a pound or more off 12 plants I am set for the year. The prices at the clubs are insane.
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If you guys want some solid techniques for growing high producing big plants check my sig. @Terraformer33 @Ripped In Oregon

Thank You very much! There is a lot of useful info there. The height thing was the major obstacle and with this info I most likely throw one out and do the auto's to keep me in supply in the mean time.
Thank You very much! There is a lot of useful info there. The height thing was the major obstacle and with this info I most likely throw one out and do the auto's to keep me in supply in the mean time.

No problem! Also check out a member surffreak
He did an outdoor scrog and was able to keep his plant really low. If height is the issue there is certainly way around it.

It has been 4 months since Legalization on the 4th Full Thunder Moon, July 1st 2015. We have gone through the 5th Fruit, 6th Grain, and 7th Harvest Moon Months without much Federal intervention.
Tonight is the 8th Full Hunters Moon in the Month of the Dog Chinese Calendar. So its the best time to howl in the year! Ooowwwrr!!!
Just so happens to be a planet alignment of Jupiter and Venus today the 3rd day of the week (Mars Day).
Keep your heads up and enjoy the night!
Sun is in the Constellation of Virgo this Month too but changes to Libra on Halloween.
All Hallows Eve Is the Night Before Halloween Day so time your tricks right to get a treat!
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Happy 9th Full and Frosty Moon Tonight! 5 Months from Our Oregonian Legalization.
The Sun has been in the Constellation of Scorpius since Moonsday, we will be in the Constellation of Ophiacus/Serpentarius the Serpent Bearer next Moonsday.

I Hope You Give Thanks For Turkey Day! (Even if your not Turkish. Ha-ha just kidding.)
Keep Rockin' in the U.S.A.
And Keep Oregon Green!

To Hell with it, Rock the Whole World!

And Safe Travels.
Happy 10th Full Cold Moon on the 15th Night since the New Moon, in the Month of the Mouse/Rat. 8 Days In the Constellation of Sagittarius/Centaurus on the 6th Week Night (Venus Night). Solar Noon around Here is 12:12 and the Moon is Fullest at 3:11am.
It's Still Way Flooded In the Valley and most of the Pacific Northwest is Covered in White.
My Plants are still Green.


Hope Your Having Happy Holidays!

The Earth is The Closest To The Sun On New Years!
(If you want to get farther away from it move to the lowest place on earth, Dead Sea Israel. If you want to get closer to it, Ecuador is the closest place on earth to outer space.)

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
I sure see a lot of bud for sale now on craigslist, guess you buy the container and the weed is free... LOL