NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

I sure see a lot of bud for sale now on craigslist, guess you buy the container and the weed is free... LOL

That won't last, examples will be made. Fish not immediately caught in a net have no idea that it is closing around them.
Today was the 11th Full Snow Moon.
7 months since Oregon Legalization.
4 months since Recreational Sales.
About 16 months since the Vote.
Cheers to our Liberty!

Franks Gift 25%CBD 9%THC



E Cannibus Unum
Out of many, one plant.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Another Sunset and the Start of Moons Night. 15 Nights since the 12th New Moon.
7 Nights in the Constellation of Aquarius.
Night of the Full Sap Moon.
Chinese Year of the Monkey, Month of the Tiger.

Only a little longer till the Equinox and favorable weather for outdoor.

Keep Oregon Green!
Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis!
Been enjoying your posts/updates Terra. Pleasant interludes in the days forum browsing they are!


I'm defeated in finding a definition of "Moons Night". 1st full moon or......... ?
Ya I'm really interested in space and weather but it bothers me when our calendars are so wrong on the time.
Daylight savings is almost here and I loathe it.
Solar noon/midnight here is at 12:25 so add another hour and we are farther off.
7 week days each start and end at sunset from where you are on the planet.
Sun's night/day, Moon's night/day, Mar's night/day, Mercury's night/day, Jupiter's night/day, Venus' night/day, and Saturn's night/day.
Today's Full Sap Moon happens to be the Fullest this morning on Moon's day here in Oregon.
I count moonphase and star signs for many reasons but mostly so I can understand what goes on around us.
Remember to make the most of the time you got!
Ah, I'm slow at the uptake sometimes (-:

Several years back I tried to make sense of the agrarian lunar calendars as opposed to the societal Gregorian one used. Just read through a wiki regarding the distinctions. Again.

I remain a simple(ton) fellow. :biggrin:
These are all the cool sunsets this year I captured.








The last one here was today. Tonight is the 19th since the 12th new moon. 11 days into Aquarius.

Smurfs Really Are Little People That Drank Too Much Silver Water.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis!
Tonight is the Full Grass Moon
On Mercury's Night
In the 13th Eagle Month
Sun has been aligned with Pisces 12 days.

Almost time to plant crops outside.
Grow the Green Revolution.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis.
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8oz of usable/smokable flower says nothing about the amount of infused oil you can have around or edibles that you can make. I plan to grow and gift to family and friends that can't grow themselves because of landlords or other issues. Males count in the four plant rule, that chaps my hide because you can't really do much with the boys other than take their pollen!
@Terraformer33, we're neighbors, I can see our golden boy on the Capital Building from my house LOL.
Oi, for those that want to move to Oregon, you need to have a written invitation from a resident...really tired of yelling at the CA plates on the roads here....and we know you're a tourist when you walk around with an umbrella!