NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

Today on Suns day was the Farthest day the Earth is from the Sun. Tonight on Moons night is the 4th New Moon at 4am on the 4th of July, the 14th Night the Sun is in Gemini Constellation.
The Month Of The Horse In The Year Of The Monkey. Solar Noon/Midnight is @ 1:17 so 420 is only after 3.

Grow Some Grass, Celebrate Your Independence!

E Cannabus Unum, Out Of Many One Plant

Peace In The Middle East And Ruderalis In Corvallis
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Tonight on Mars night is the 4th Full Grain Moon! 29 Nights with the Sun in Gemini Constellation! The Star Sign of the Crab/Cancer Begins on Wednesday/Mercury day.


In Herb We Trust

Peace In The Middle East And Ruderalis In Corvallis
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Tomorrow on Marsday is the 5th New Moon Conjunction at 1:44pm here in Oregon. So it's the best night to see the stars this month, the Month of the Sheep/Ram. It will be 15 days in Cancer/Crab Constellation. Solar noon/midnight is at 1:18.


Keep Dreaming of Blue
And Green!
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Looks like Im a little confused on my moon counts from lack of marijuana but I think tonight is the Full Fruit Moon! 2:26am.
The time of Ripening.
17 nights from the 5th new moon conjunction.

Next month is the harvest moon season.
Solar noon/midnight is at 1:16.
Tonight is 9 nights with the Sun in Leo constellation.

Oregon is getting hot and dry hope fires don't burn our trees. Keep green.



Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Tonight on Jupiter Night at 2:03am is the 6th New Moon Conjunction. 23 Nights and Days with the Sun in Leo Constellation!
Solar Noon/Midnight is 1:12
Its The Month of the Monkey in the Year of the Monkey!









No more monkey business, don't go gorilla on me.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Summer is almost gone, Equal night/day is on the 24-25th for us at 45 degrees latitude.
Tonight on the 6th weeknight is Venus night, 16 nights from the 6th new moon conjunction and 2016 years from the birth or death of Christ.
It's the last month of Jubilee and tonight is the Full Harvest Moon so many crops may be ready.
Lunar Eclipse on the other side of the rock, peak moonlight is at 12:05pm so we won't see it here.
Solar noon/midnight is @ 1:07.
The Sun Aligns with Virgo constellation at sunset.
The rains are coming hope you have happy Harvests!





Keep the World Green!
Keep Dreaming of Blue!

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Been meanin' to comment on yer sig "Peace In The Middle East And Ruderalis In Corvallis".... classy! (-:

Would like yer take on powdery mildew and such if you'd be so kind.
I'm just up the road from ya in Salem and I've a couple of photos with a good bit to go before harvest. Their location in the backyard gets regular breeze, stout breeze actually so that I've anchored the plants to keep em' from taking flight!

Unknown bagseed and a gifted Northern Lights clone. By some freakish happenstance both plants are waaay healthy!
You know full well the weather we been having and what we can expect in the coming weeks. Any particular course of action I should take to prevent mold/mildew in the buds?

I have a jar of Green Cure and I've read of using apple cider vinegar. Are these of preventative value or only useful once a problem occurs?
I have a largish hoop frame that would cover both plants. Would erecting it over the plants to use as an umbrella to keep rain off be of value as a preventative?

Happy Harvests to You!

Tomorrow on Venus day is the Feast of Trumpets, the 7th new moon conjunction at 5:11pm (Septa=7), 15 days with sun in Virgo constellation!
Strong Gravity with Sun, Moon, and Jupiter aligned. Solar noon/midnight is @1:02.
The Month of the Rooster
Autumn has begun and the nights are longer than the days, its been getting cool quick with moisture setting in. Mold is a big problem I had to remove some bad buds myself but my Ice looked so nice I had to pull her up yesterday.



I wash off my roots and even save the stem. About the mildew I recommend keeping an eye on developing flowers for the mold but good airflow is nice to have. The last few showers have been tough but my ladies pulled through, there is still more to go tho. Prevention can help protect from the problem but cannot eliminate the conditions that cause them like wet and cold. I'm working on getting a greenhouse set up for the winter to provide a perfect environment with climate control.
I've tried wrapping bags over plants before rain and that can work, right now I have a picnic canopy I set up over them but any protection from the weather helps. Good Luck!

The Day of Atonement is in 10 days.

E Cannabus Unum, Out of Many One Plant

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis/Love in the Low Places and Cannabis in Corn Valley
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Tonight on the Suns night @ 9:23pm is the 7th Full Hunter Moon!
16 nights from the New Moon and 31 nights with the Sun in Virgo Constellation!
It's the Feast of Tents hope the weather turns fair for camping.
Solar Noon/Midnight is @ 12:58

Windy, Rainy, and Thunderstormy.
Pulled up the last of the Herbs, time to hunt for the Bong haha!

Banana Kush

Girl Scout

Blue Dream


Purple Kush

OG Skywalker

Lemon Sour Diesel

Franks Gift


I guess I'm a little hungry and it's Chinese Chicken month, guess I'll snack on that.

Happy End of Harvests and Good Luck Hunting!
Life is Precious Don't Waste It.

E Cannabus Unum, Out of Many One Plant
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Today on Suns day was the 8th New Moon Conjunction @ 10:38am!
The Month Of The Wolf/Dog
Tonight on Moons night is All Hallows Eve (evening is before morning) and the Sun Aligns with Libra constellation!
Solar noon/midnight is @ 12:56, Daylight Savings Ends on the 6th.

Greens are Growing Great!


Keep Green!

Grow Native.

I'll be 25 in a couple days.
The Middle of Autumn is November 7th.

Going to the Cannabis Convention @ the Capitol next weekend. Hope you make good choices, Vote for Love!

Es el dia de los muertos en miercoles, tener una buena!
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