NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

Tonight was the 1st Full Micro Flower/Planting Moon, 16 nights from 1st New Moon Conjunction. The 5th night/day with the Sun in front of Aries.
Month of the Rabbit Year of the Monkey

Salem solar noon/midnight is 1:10
Just started Raining strong with thunderstorms to give us some water and make you shiver.
Hope you plant well and take care of your flowers! And don't let the rabbits eat them!

The Goldan Man Stands For Freedom Throughout The Land.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Today is 2/3 of spring over and only a month till summer. 15 days from 2nd New Moon Conjunction. The Suns been in Taurus Constellation a Week since last Saturn's Day. Its Dragon Month and the 2nd Full Honey Moon is tonight and tomorrow, hope you make some bee real happy!
Franks Gift



Banana Kush

Girl Scout

Ocean Grown Skywalker Kush

Purple Kush

Weather is Real Nice
Grow Some Greens

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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So. Question time. The question is: am I legal or not? The Oregon law says I can have four plants and eight ounces of USABLE marijuana. Surely the word "usable" implies that there is UNusable marijuana. So the eleven and a half ounces I have curing doesn't count, right? (Actually, I hope not; I've been "legal" since last July, and it feels awfully strange...)
Its nice to be legal, even waiting six months since we voted for it, and another 3 months to buy any. Now 6 months plus after that we can buy concentrates and edibles. Time is relative but I've been waiting for that. Now we just need federal rescheduling to move our commodity across states and over the world. To build and feed, heal with weed, calm the mean, clean with green.
Of course with transporting plant material there is risk of spreading diseases, so your stock needs to be clean. And all products, especially if meant for consumption are contaminate free.
Growing a plant to support oneself should never have been a bad thing. Especially if it can help so much.
Moving herb can be a problem if your not registered, with only an oz per person you are gonna need a few buddy's to carry.
If your supply is too high or too wet and needs dry, just try to hide it or vaporize it.

Its the 24th day from the 2nd New Moon conjunction (Third Quarter Moon-phase). 16 days with the Sun in Taurus constellation.
Look at all these weeds!!

Now if only they were Cannabis, damn.
Maybe one day chronic will grow in the ditches and roadsides, cultivated in vast open gardens and farmland crop fields.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
Well, let's work on getting it available throughout the entire state before we start taking over the world...
We need weed to take over the world. (Feminized Only)
Keep it Green.

Todays the First Day of the 3rd Moon Month
Suns Day
Snake Sign
23 Days the Suns in Taurus Constellation.

Scorching Degrees in the Valley, Got to Water the Herbs.

Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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It's been a Lunar Year since Oregon Legalization. Tonight is 16 Nights from the 3rd New Moon Conjunction. It will be Moons Night with the Full Thunder Moon (Or Strawberry) in the Month of the Snake. Its the Summer Solstice for us Northerners. So shortest night tonight and longest day tomorrow.
Tomorrow night the Sun Aligns with Gemini Constellation.

Enjoy Your Summer Oregon!
Smoke Em If You Got Em! (Or Vaporize)
Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis
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Legalization is awesome! I personally don't care for the dispensaries for the fact that the prices are just too high. A gram of shatter is 65.00 Anyway this my experiment to see if a plant can grow from seed in less than optimal conditions,actually horrible conditions. Rain,cold,wind and just general coastal Oregon weather. I threw a seed in around April and the wind blew the pot over(It was on a cinder block fence. this is at the beginning of May This is today a few minutes ago


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