NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

Girl scout
So I know for sure that dispensarys can sell come october (which is the tenth month when octo means 8?). Anyways I heard that only sales of buds and plants will be made available to recreational users, not any concentrates or oils. No bud beers or candy, fudge bars or soda. To me it seems they don't want anyone to make money or enjoy life. I know some of those things are risky to children but that's what supervision is for. Any thoughts fellas?
It's legal but the government wants complete control saw that coming.
So I know for sure that dispensarys can sell come october (which is the tenth month when octo means 8?). Anyways I heard that only sales of buds and plants will be made available to recreational users, not any concentrates or oils. No bud beers or candy, fudge bars or soda. To me it seems they don't want anyone to make money or enjoy life. I know some of those things are risky to children but that's what supervision is for. Any thoughts fellas?
Well, here in the eastern portion of the state we won't even be getting that, so be thankful. They're allowing counties and cities that voted against legalization to opt out of sales, and even having dispensaries. Fortunately, those that have managed to open already will be grandfathered in, so at least we've got one here. I really kind of understand the reluctance of these people to allow recreational sales; they've been fed a steady diet of anti-marijuana propaganda for eighty years. But the reluctance to allow dispensaries, that crosses over into evil as far as I'm concerned. Fuck 'em.
That's a bummer out beyond the valley, I'm just depressed I can't buy an energy bar to get me blazed or some other munchies to give me munchies until I'm overweight... Seriously though I wish I wouldn't have voted for something so vague when they cut most the fun out of it. Guess I'll have to make my own high foods. Time will change at least we got the ball rolling.