NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution

It's definitely four total, the law is clear. I'm not too worried about rogue pollen as people grow pot all over this town anyway. I didn't have any hermies last year when I grew outside, but I ended up with a few seeds here and there. Nothing much.

I'd caution about trying to get wild plants established. The first thing to go when cannabis goes wild is the potency, in not too many generations it will be more like hemp than pot. It would also cause Law Enforcement to do broad based searches to try and eliminate it, which could in turn lead to them discovering people's grows. If you want to spread the love then start giving clones and seeds to everyone you know that's even a bit curious. The more people try to grow it on their own the better it is for all!

As for strains that do well outdoors here, I know of a few. Autos of course do great in the PNW because they can finish before it starts getting wet again. There are some photoperiod plants that do well here that you can pick up at

highrise and da bean co have strains designed to work well at our latitude and in our environment. BBxGG3 by highrise is a super duper champ, but watch out! She'll get big real quick.
Any body know the best locations to get a recreational supply for those of us in here in Oregon that are craving some green and dont have the space or time to cultivate? Somewhere near Salem?

I got plenty of seeds to start and my buddy has clones from a plant i gave him, i can get some if i want photos, but just to solve the space and time problem i usually go with autos. Instead of the long growing-harvesting process maybe someone can point me in the way to some good local cured herb. It would be nice to have some ready product to celebrate with for the first week of July.
Id love to try skin or oral ingested oils and maybe a good pot drink but definitely could use some buds.

Im gonna start breeding some auto hemp on a farm nearby here for seed, feminised only with the fem/male inside so no worries about pollen spread. Lets hope we get a little more rain but it looks to be the start of a bone dry summer.

Enjoy the next New Moon Tuesday and the Solstice Sunday, the Full Moon July 1st and Our Independence Day.
Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis.
I just applied at a dispensary and I think I got the job. They said they were going to be able to sell once it's October as well. I'm pretty stoked hope y'all are enjoying our freedom. I am 23 this year born the Chinese year of the Ram and we are in the 5th lunar month which is the month of the Ram so I am excited about all that. Here's some pics of what I've been growing this year.
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Here are some high THC cultivars.
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