Old Reviews recommend me a good extractor fan and carbon filter.

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phat became rhino somewhere for copyright reasons or something. "Rhino Pro Filters – Formerly Phat Filters – use top quality carbon to absorb any unwanted odours and are guaranteed for two years." unless thats a huge typo.

cheers buddha

hey piggy send on that link sounds cool even just for a look, ill probably order that regular one just for simplicity and lazyness though. wouldnt mind a separate fan controller in the future so i could change fans etc too but mostly just lazyness.
What CAN filter do you have, Piggy? I have never heard that about the Phat or Phresh filters, but I have a 4" inch Phat filter and my fan stays on high just to keep it at 80-82. The exhaust duct comes up and out of the tent and rests on top blowing up and out of the closet that my tent is in. Fresh air is pulled through the back vent passively. Temps in the room stay under 75 and usually 72-73. Not sure what the deal is...
Hmmmmm, I'm gonna have to look into that squiddy. I have the can 2600, one of their smallest. When I set my td100x to it's low setting it's about 2-10 cfm over it's rating, so it does just fine. With the blackstar on and the other cab in the closet next to it that keeps is at about ambient. If the filter holds out well I want to run something really skunky some time this winter.
Yeah that's with a Blackstar Sorry I didn't even mention my light. It's the pl-55 Tek lamp. 2 foot 4 bulb. It puts off a bit of heat though, more than I though it would.
Oh I've grown with PL-Ls many a time! Yeah, the benefit to them in most micro grows is that you can remotely ballast them, but when it's a whole unit the ballast heat stays. Those 55w pl-ls are no fucking joke! They pump out the lumens, and subsequently the heat. When I was running the cab right next to the tent in the same closet and flowering in both, the cab was running 240w of combined cfl/pl-l and I still didn't go more than eight above ambient in the tent. I have sliding closet doors so there's always one side completely open. You just have to work the kinks out.
Yeah, I only go 9 above at max. Usually just about 5-6, though. I layed my scrubber on its side, didn't help really.
hello all,im new to AFN & a bit of a noob grower!.Im building a stealth cabinate & was wondering about air flow....this thread was the closest title relating to my problem i could find,so here i am :jump:.Im trying to work out how many CFM of air i need to exhaust in a 5'x3'x2' box .... Im guessing here but if thats 30cubic feet?, can i run 2 x 43CFM fans through a 4" filter ?. Will this be enough please...any help i would be very greatfull for ,thanks
Welcome to the forum. Your CFM ratings should match on the fan and filter. So if you buy an off the shelf carbon filter like a 4" Phat that is rated at 200 CFM, you should have a fan that is about the same. A 43 CFM fan won't have enough power to effectively push/pull the air through a filter like that.

hello all,im new to AFN & a bit of a noob grower!.Im building a stealth cabinate & was wondering about air flow....this thread was the closest title relating to my problem i could find,so here i am :jump:.Im trying to work out how many CFM of air i need to exhaust in a 5'x3'x2' box .... Im guessing here but if thats 30cubic feet?, can i run 2 x 43CFM fans through a 4" filter ?. Will this be enough please...any help i would be very greatfull for ,thanks
hey ,thanks very much for reply :peace: Could i mount the filter outside the box,with the fan just before it,pushing through it?(with duct from the box to -fan--then filter ect).Hope that makes sensi :smoke: