Old Reviews recommend me a good extractor fan and carbon filter.

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the ruck im looking at is around 750 cfm it comes in a deal. i was thinking of getting that and a fan speed controller for future flexibility also i hear higher powered fans ran slower are supposed to be much quieter than a smaller motor pushing the same cfm.

anyone know of any cheapish fan speed controllers around europe. cheapest i find is around 80-100 euro.

if not theres the ruck with built in thermostat and speed control but its not in a deal so might be cheaper this way is all.
anyone use fan controllers that dont cost a bomb in eu?
Sup dude,

cheers buddha i just wanted to make sure im not replacing one problem with the same thing while paying for it. thats fine ill be using acoustic ducting. i dont mind a bit of noise but the one i have now is way past normal i hope...
just gotta work out what i need cfmwise now

and lol
shred up bacon and duct tape and use it as the grow medium...... worth a shot how could it go wrong?

Hearing all that man. The ones I have can be heard, but I'd say 90% of that noise is the air blowing through the ducting. The fans themselves are actually surprisingly quiet considering their size. I have a 4" ruck/CF in my living room, too (to deal with the smell of smoke) and I don't notice that if there's other noise like talking or a movie etc. In fact I forgot all about it last night when I was typing my last post.

Ps.. Dunno if you're in the UK but if I've ordered it online or from a picture then I'm a true believer in sending things back for a full refund if I don't like it. So, in theory you could order one, wire it up and test it for noise and if it's still too much then you could sendit back within 28 days no questions asked. ;)

At least you'd know whether it's your perception of inline fans (probably not) or whether it's time to think about making a silencer for it. I silenced a 4" ruck but didn't think it was worth it in the end, and can't see the point for my 6" one as I cannot hear the fan over the whoosing of the air.

the ruck im looking at is around 750 cfm it comes in a deal. i was thinking of getting that and a fan speed controller for future flexibility also i hear higher powered fans ran slower are supposed to be much quieter than a smaller motor pushing the same cfm.
Bigger blades at lower revs will move more air than small ones at fast speed to an extent, but small, fast fans are good for focusing air flow whereas big, slow fans are more suited to larger spaces.

anyone know of any cheapish fan speed controllers around europe. cheapest i find is around 80-100 euro.
Nope. Maybe someone knows of one but so far as I'm aware they're all expensive.

if not theres the ruck with built in thermostat and speed control but its not in a deal so might be cheaper this way is all.
Personally, I think they're overrated. I know some people love theirs and I've been tempted myself, but I can't see it doing anything that keeping an open tent-flap can't do for zero cost?

Incidentally.. one thing worth considering is not having too much airflow because it then gets dificult to manage humidity.

Just my thoughts on it, though. :peace:
thanks for the extensive reply ive a few things to think about. there were lower down rucks which might be better around 400 cfm, might fit a bit better. either that or a large one+speed controller if i want to part with much more cash than needed..
I'm not great at doing the math principal on fans and area, so I just go on experience, and with that in mind to give you an idea.. I've got a 1.5m tent, which is approx twice the size of your grow area. I have a setup that extracts 725m/hr with passive intakes and that's just about enough to run a kilowatt of light on a cool day or 600w on a warm day.

So, in your area, I'm estimating that you probably wouldn't want anything more than a 5" hi-power Ruck (the "L" model) which'll give you 365m/hr if you buy a Rhino pro filter with it (highly recommended).

How does that grab you?

100% that is the L model if you buy it from GHL. They only do the lo-power versions in their budget/value ranges.

I reckon that'll do you nicely and will also handle a bigger area later on. Great quality fans.

Happy retail-therapy dude.

I like those Ruck fans. Not as in: I have used one and liked it. I just like the specs and all that I read about them. I have been pleased with my Hydrofarm fan and Phat filter though. But there is always upgrades :D
Apparenly Phat filters are excellent. At least as good as Rhino pro's or better. :peace:
So I've heard, sir. The Phresh are a little better I think. They're more expensive at least, both have great reviews so I rolled with the little bit cheaper one. I'm sure it'll be fine for my operation. I'd love to have a super ultra nice one that is realllly quiet. That would be amazing.
I've got a can filter myself and am pleased with it. I heard about problems with phat and phresh being rather restrictive so I went with the can for a third of the price. They're also refillable and designed for the standard carbon on the market so the refill carbon will work. The companies go on about always buying a new filter cause they're machine packed, but that's industry jargon for shaken and packed;). Imagine the hit they'd take if people figured out they can re-fill those things. Dedicate a good 45 min to it and you can re-pack a filter no problem.

Bgrt, I can link you to a guy that uses the 4" thermostat ruck and gets super results. He uses one in a 2x2' cab with four 12x12" modular screen of greens with a 250w hps and regularly pulls 10-14 oz a pull in that baby. He attributes it in part to the ruck keeping everything dandy.