Old Reviews recommend me a good extractor fan and carbon filter.

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Hey Pig how do you spread peanut butter on your toast? Do you use butter as well? What about fruits like apples and bananas. Honey or jam? My personal favorite is the old fluffernutter with tha marshmallow spread.. I like mint jelly as well. Is this all health food I wonder especially if you use 6 grain bread? I wicked need to do an in depth study and weigh each imgrediant and take notes. Wait a minute do I have the same wrong with me as Pig?

I over-complicate everything in my head, down to how I spread peanut butter on toast. Maybe we were supposed to be engineers?
All us Canadians fix everything with duct tape and a tube of silicon in a caulking gun. That is what the space arm was made out of. So sad to see all the shuttles mothballed. I am sure they could have flown for another fifty years. I sent them duct tape and silicon but they cancelled them anyway. who's shitty decision was that anyway.
ha i have a system for way too many things i do too. im just a picky bastard or maybe just trying to offset stupid stoned mistakes.

ha yeh duct tape is thehigh point of technology IMO.
I know, it's almost like something pointless and violent is sucking all the money out of the countries budget....
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't believe in many things, but i believe in bacon and duct tape.
Sup dude,

I'd say that noise is relative depending on where it's housed and what ducting and how much of it you you use. But generally Ruck are considered to be among the most quiet inline fans around.

I have a 6" and 2 x 4" rucks running in my bedroom next to the living room I'm in (in a flat) and I cannot hear them outside of the room. Could be uncomfortable for some people to sleep in there but I don't mind it personally.

Mr Piggy shares some wise words of wisdom there. My grow room would be inoperable without Gorilla Glue Duct Tape. That shit is just amazingly strong. Seals and conceals anything and everything. I wish plants could eat bacon, we could then share growing together, me horizontally, the plants vertically.
cheers buddha i just wanted to make sure im not replacing one problem with the same thing while paying for it. thats fine ill be using acoustic ducting. i dont mind a bit of noise but the one i have now is way past normal i hope...
just gotta work out what i need cfmwise now

and lol
shred up bacon and duct tape and use it as the grow medium...... worth a shot how could it go wrong?