Old Reviews recommend me a good extractor fan and carbon filter.

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That's odd. Normally the reducer should be a tad larger to overlap. I just want to make sure I understand as the wording of your post is slightly confusing, are you saying that the 6" end of the reducer is the exact same size as the 6" cool tube?
sorry, yeh thats it exactly, i thought it was strange too but never had one before.. i got two so it isnt just a defect either. maybe the cooltube was slightly bigger than it should have been.

think the tape will do or should i go searching for a wide jubilee clip sort of thing?

just saw jm, its pretty solid and thick enough metal i tried but seems to be in vain. ill just deal with the tape then i suppose, just a bit messy.
I don't see why the tape wouldn't work, just don't fuss with it too much so it doesn't work lose. If you want more security you could go get a couple of those rubber seals, they're wide enough and grip it well. Just make sure to tape before you put them on so they don't leak.
My fans are attached directly to my CF's and all of the holes are the same size like yours with no overlaps, so what I do is tape them together with a bit of pvc tape and then a coupla layers of metal tape. To give you an idea.. you can lift up a 6" CF with a 6" fan stuck to the end without any problems. I've never done it the other way around but only a moron would hang it by the fan anyway since the CF is the heaviest part. You can do it that way around with a 4" setup for sure.

One thing to note.. pvc tape will eventually stretch and the seal will slowly break over time.. but the metal tape doesn't do this and also provides an airtight seal so don't just use pvc tape.

cheers i might try that, tape seems to be doing the job anyway, but a bit arseways to have to keep buying that if i need to dismantle properly.
wasnt sure which way round i was gonna go, i know that pulling through cf's is supposed to be better but with the length of ducting(short as it iseven) it seems i would get better pressure with something like you said but forcing the air through the cf and out the exhaust hole in the top of the tent. less ducting just seems like ill end up with better pressure. is this silly/backwards?
i think i need every cfm i can get tested the extractor wired to the minimum last night with no cf and temps were hitting 100 and rising(no plants are in there yet just trying to dial it in and see what ill be dealing with.)

ill try again with it wired to the max and add the cf and see i suppose. ill still probably buy a 6 inch+speed controller/thermostat eventually but it would be nice if this could do for a while as i think ive spent around a grand so far on this grow :confused:

its an investment damn it
have the fan pulling through the filter and pushing through the cool tube. That way stinky air isn't sucked through any leaks in the cool tube. filter---->fan---->cooltube----->out the tent.
I over-complicate everything in my head, down to how I spread peanut butter on toast. Maybe we were supposed to be engineers?