...reboot time, now under it's true name Phyter!

Interesting Bob... I don't know what that is! This isn't that type of fungus, to form hyphae much less fruiting bodies....
what exactly did you put into the spray soln.? It doesn't look like any wetting agent was used, and that's critical for even coating and sticking... Si won't do this properly, it's a dissolved salt that's not affecting the surface tension of the soln.,....

I'll do a foliar today on my auto's, it's time to start the treatments :thumbsup:.. I'll be using Coco-Wet, and a bit of fulvic acid....

....meantime, spray the leaves with plain low ppm water and see if those balls dissolve or stay, that may offer clues as to what it is or isn't at least!

Thanks for the input! :)
You're right, I didn't use a wetting agent. @Phyter recommend 1-5gr / Liter water. So I stayed at the low side and used 2gr in two liters of water.
Sprayed with a pressure sprayer. Something like the one below. I adjusted the nozzle so it wasn't a fine mist, but rather thick droplets.

Do you have an idea what I could use as a wetting agent knowing that I don't have access to a growshop unless online and that means waiting. I know soap is one, but I don't think that's a good idea to use :face:
:greenthumb:OK, foliar is done! I weighed out 1g of Phyter, dry measure is about 1/2 tsp; into 1qt with wetting agent and fulvic acid....

>> this is what left over, and what the soln. looks like....

>>> a couple plant shots after spraying-->

...let's see what a day brings @AutoBobje ... I'm wondering if the Si is behind this, drying up in the soln. beads like that and concentrating into those white balls...
LOL- simul-post!....... there are a lot of wetting agents out there, yucca extract is one... I like Coco-Wet, an organic soap-like stuff, which IMO is better at this coating thing... It's pretty cheap too! You only need a bit, like dish detergent amounts... I use about 1/3tsp maybe per qt.,.... the test with any product is to add just enough so that the soln. doesn't bead up anymore.

Did you try the clean rinse on a leaf or two to see if they dissolve away?
Thanks for the input! :)
You're right, I didn't use a wetting agent. @Phyter recommend 1-5gr / Liter water. So I stayed at the low side and used 2gr in two liters of water.
Sprayed with a pressure sprayer. Something like the one below. I adjusted the nozzle so it wasn't a fine mist, but rather thick droplets.
View attachment 1323640

Do you have an idea what I could use as a wetting agent knowing that I don't have access to a growshop unless online and that means waiting. I know soap is one, but I don't think that's a good idea to use :face:
I haven't done foliar either, but when I do with my new jar of RotBlock, I will be using yucca powder. It is a good thing to have around anyway, not just for foliar applications. I put a bit in my irrigation water/nutes to prevent any of the medium going hydrophobic. I use the RAW brand. A little of this stuff goes a long way.
@Phyter Is a wetting agent needed with Rot block?
It's not mandatory I don't think, but recommended? The idea is to get the spores evenly spread over the surface areas, and if the soln. is just beading up, it'll be a spotty patchwork of covered and uncovered areas...

Thanks mate! I'll do the low ppm spraying tomorrow morning. Have a couple bottle of RO water I can use
So, I just looked at the dry leaves, and I'm seeing the same thing Bob, tiny bits of Phyter coalesced back together I believe, as it dries... it appears to be just sitting there, not stuck; I flicked the leaf, and most of it dislodged off... I stirred and shook the soln. very thoroughly for sure!
We need to keep in mind that this isn't dissolving at the molecular level, right? Whether the white stuff is the carrier or the spores themselves, @Phyter Bryon will have to chime in on that...
I'll take a little bit and put it in glass to see what sort of micro-particulates are showing... :smoking:
So, I just looked at the dry leaves, and I'm seeing the same thing Bob, tiny bits of Phyter coalesced back together I believe, as it dries... it appears to be just sitting there, not stuck; I flicked the leaf, and most of it dislodged off... I stirred and shook the soln. very thoroughly for sure!
Thanks for confirming that for me :thanks:
I also noticed that it was easily wiped from the leaf ánd I do not 'flick' my ladies :cuss: Treat them well and she'll give you plenty to dream about:dancer:
Just kidding mate ;)