Indoor RealGrowers Mondo 90 X Gas Reaper Hellbender Trial

Yeah. I'd stick with 30g and add 10g top dress if they aren't clawing or burning 2-3 weeks in.

Really, a very large 7-10 gallon pot with 10g per gallon is probably the best way to get start to finish with enough charge but not too much to burn the plant but that's not the most feasible option for average auto growers.

I think my mistake was too heavily amending it with the 3.0 at the beginning. Was a hair too much until the 3.0 ran out, then it was slightly under fed a hair. Bottom watering REALLY helped at the end. Obviously there were some hidden fresh dots in there still.

Bigger pot seems logical. When I can get my hands on some dots maybe I will try that and do a journal. One as you suggested with the top feed and maybe a 5 and 7 gallon and 10 with the 10gms a gallon.

One more for you if you would be so kind:

You seem to be fan of Winter Frost. Do you use it as directed? I looked into it a little awhile back and was interested in the claim that it would make the plants finish at the same or very similar time. Have you noticed this? It seems that senescence would be some form of chemical reaction in nature that could be replicated sythetically....What other effects have noticed?

Thanks man!!! Really appreciate the sharing of knowledge!!!
Bigger pot seems logical. When I can get my hands on some dots maybe I will try that and do a journal. One as you suggested with the top feed and maybe a 5 and 7 gallon and 10 with the 10gms a gallon.

One more for you if you would be so kind:

You seem to be fan of Winter Frost. Do you use it as directed? I looked into it a little awhile back and was interested in the claim that it would make the plants finish at the same or very similar time. Have you noticed this? It seems that senescence would be some form of chemical reaction in nature that could be replicated sythetically....What other effects have noticed?

Thanks man!!! Really appreciate the sharing of knowledge!!!
I'm running a 5gal and a 1gal with the grow dots currently. I think they're 2 weeks today but I'd have to double check. I think I used 3.5tbs in the 5gal and 1tbs in the 1gal but I'd have to double check that too lol. Also mixed it in to FFOF so I'm more than likely going to run into issues with it being too hot a mix later on. I do think it's somewhat strain dependent too, as some strains are much heavy feeders or are more tolerant of high nute levels while others are more sensitive.
You ever get that thread created for Grow Dots? Just threw some in a 5gal fabric container with soil and EWC along with some great white on the top with a Blueberry Auto. I added them a little more heavy in the bottom layer of the pot than the top in hopes it would grow into it some.
You ever get that thread created for Grow Dots? Just threw some in a 5gal fabric container with soil and EWC along with some great white on the top with a Blueberry Auto. I added them a little more heavy in the bottom layer of the pot than the top in hopes it would grow into it some.
Mine are in my grow journal in my signature, the girls are doing fantastic on them!
Bigger pot seems logical. When I can get my hands on some dots maybe I will try that and do a journal. One as you suggested with the top feed and maybe a 5 and 7 gallon and 10 with the 10gms a gallon.

One more for you if you would be so kind:

You seem to be fan of Winter Frost. Do you use it as directed? I looked into it a little awhile back and was interested in the claim that it would make the plants finish at the same or very similar time. Have you noticed this? It seems that senescence would be some form of chemical reaction in nature that could be replicated sythetically....What other effects have noticed?

Thanks man!!! Really appreciate the sharing of knowledge!!!

Sorry, not sure how I missed this. I use it way more than directed. I'll do double doses starting about 2 weeks before I think they will be ready. Might seem kind of expensive but they drink so little at the end. Normally only water 3 times at 2x dose. Using it that way I see huge differences in fade colors and frost production.

Here is a black strap I've been pounding with the winter frost.


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You ever get that thread created for Grow Dots? Just threw some in a 5gal fabric container with soil and EWC along with some great white on the top with a Blueberry Auto. I added them a little more heavy in the bottom layer of the pot than the top in hopes it would grow into it some.

I got a couple going and finished a couple. Been super busy but I'll put together a post tomorrow.

Here is the current Grow Dot pride and joy. Solo Cup, auto. 80% RG Basement Mix, 20% BAS 3.0, and 5 grams of dots. Went to day 52ish only feeding power si, slf100, Recharge, and Poseidonzime. Just top dressed with NLS Flower Power and Watered in 15ml of NFTG Herculean Harvest. Think day 56 today.
Sorry, not sure how I missed this. I use it way more than directed. I'll do double doses starting about 2 weeks before I think they will be ready. Might seem kind of expensive but they drink so little at the end. Normally only water 3 times at 2x dose. Using it that way I see huge differences in fade colors and frost production.

Here is a black strap I've been pounding with the winter frost.

Gorgeous brother man!! The purple, orange and green...