Indoor RealGrowers Mondo 90 X Gas Reaper Hellbender Trial

I re-read the beginning just to be sure, so this is 30g of pellets in 3 gal of soil. It looks to be running out just a little early? Is that correct? How many days are you along?
63 days. That's why I'm thinking about cutting back the amendments and bumping up the dots next try.

Sure the amendments ran out and the original dose was always on the lighter side.

Could probably do a little compost tea with NLS flower power to brighten her back up and get her to the finish line. Jesus and growdots at the wheel on this one tho. Lol.
Beautiful plant, I remember my days of nutrient burns. I finally found and stuck to a system that works and do not change it. I feed every 6th day, water every 3rd. Now if I use a booster which I do, I use the booster in between feed days. Root bootser, flower boostering, pre, mid, final flower, nutrient uptake booster, growth booster, etc. I make sure to get my 1 liter of run off with 5 gallon containers accept when they are small plants, I just cut the nute strength during that time and water and feed 3rd and 6th day
Beautiful plant, I remember my days of nutrient burns. I finally found and stuck to a system that works and do not change it. I feed every 6th day, water every 3rd. Now if I use a booster which I do, I use the booster in between feed days. Root bootser, flower boostering, pre, mid, final flower, nutrient uptake booster, growth booster, etc. I make sure to get my 1 liter of run off with 5 gallon containers accept when they are small plants, I just cut the nute strength during that time and water and feed 3rd and 6th day
This is a trial for a new time release nutrient from the Recharge guys. With the trial they sent out the same GR auto seeds. For the sake of the trial I'm using it only as recommended on the package. I'll be supplementing and adjusting in subsequent grows with the dots.
Day 70. I know she kinda looks like the Charlie Brown Chistmas Tree....... if it doubled as a nug factory lol.

Opted out of top dressing and starting bottom watering her to try and hit some un touched nooks and crannies holding a little charge still.

Seems to be working. Hacking her down 14 days from now, no matter the trich color.
I was following your grow on Reddit and now found you here. She looks great! Is she getting thick up top or not as much as if you used a booster?
Whacked! Day 84. Needed another 5-7 days but 12 weeks all I could give it. Had just enough juice to make it to the end after switching to bottom watering. Super frosty with some down right nasty chemical smells.

Have 6 more going with dots in 1 gallons and solo cups all looking average to above average in a variety of different mediums. Later this week I'll start a general grow dots thread and post updates for all of them there.

Thanks for all the comments and questions. This was a fun one.

I'd definitely recommend the dots for someone looking for something easy.
In your opinion, what do you think would work better with the dots in a 3 gallon:

Boosting the dots up to 45 gms to start with?


Starting with 30 gms and top dressing sometime at a later date? If so, what week?

I know squat about time released fertilizers, but seems like if you were to up the amount from the start, it would be too strong and not be enough for the time frame. Just as this run exhibited fading out too early
Yeah. I'd stick with 30g and add 10g top dress if they aren't clawing or burning 2-3 weeks in.

Really, a very large 7-10 gallon pot with 10g per gallon is probably the best way to get start to finish with enough charge but not too much to burn the plant but that's not the most feasible option for average auto growers.

I think my mistake was too heavily amending it with the 3.0 at the beginning. Was a hair too much until the 3.0 ran out, then it was slightly under fed a hair. Bottom watering REALLY helped at the end. Obviously there were some hidden fresh dots in there still.