Indoor RealGrowers Mondo 90 X Gas Reaper Hellbender Trial

She don't stop lol.
Color me impressed so far! And only 30g of product blended in? Hmm..... Well, I will wait until the final chop but this is looking like quite an option. I think this with a water only autopot reservoir is going to be dead simple growing.
Are you using tap or RO/demin water?

What light are you using?

Looking great! Definitely gonna have to try these out!
I just use tap water but it's really low PPM and lake fed. Kind of a unique situation.

Using 2 TS1500s. One directly over it set to 75 watts and the offset one to accommodate its strange shape cranked up to 150 watts.
Probably redundant, but can you elaborate on your substrate mix?
I wanted to do coco but had no experience with the Coco fixin's so I did 50% Royal Gold Coco, 25% basement mix, and 25% Build A Soil 3.0 with a 30g application of dots.

In the future I'm going to just mix in 2 cups of the 3.0 then fill in the rest with Coco and keep the dots at 30g. Scotty real did just post a video today showing some solo cup grows with just pre treated Coco and 5g of dots.

I just started a couple solos with 5g of dots. One just Coco and another a similar mix to what I'm using now. Also started (4) one gals using only stuff I could find at the hardware store just to see how well the dots could do for someone with limited resources.